Box and Whisker Chart is a form of Column Chart representing lower quartile, upper quartile and median / mean with vertical lines representing minimum and maximum. It creates two boxes between upper / lower quartiles and the median / mean.
Cannot be combined with: Doughnut, Pie, Funnel, Pyramid, Bar, Stacked Bar charts.
Applies To | Attribute | Type | Default | Options/Examples |
dataSeries | upperBoxColor | String | “white” | “red”,”#1E990F” |
dataSeries | lowerBoxColor | String | white | “red”,”#1E990F” |
dataSeries | whiskerColor | String | dataSeries Color | “blue”, “#006400” |
dataSeries | whiskerLength | Number/String | Automatically Calculated | 10, “80%”.. |
dataSeries | whiskerThickness | Number | Automatically Calculated | 0,1,2,3.. |
dataSeries | whiskerDashType | String | “solid” | “dot”, “dash” etc. |
dataSeries | stemColor | String | dataSeries Color | “blue”, “#006400” |
dataSeries | stemThickness | Number | Automatically Calculated | 0,1,2,3.. |
dataSeries | stemDashType | String | “solid” | “dot”, “dash” etc. |