showAtX(Mixed xValue [, dataSeriesIndex = 0])

Shows toolTip at the specified x value of a dataSeries.

        xValue: x value for which toolTip needs to be shown.
        dataSeriesIndex: Index of dataseries for which toolTip needs to be shown. By default, dataSeriesIndex is set to 0. i.e. in case of multi-series chart, toolTip for first dataSeries will be shown. This parameter is ignored if “shared” property of toolTip is set to true – in which case toolTip content includes data for all the series.

        Boolean: Returns true if the operation was successful. Else returns false.

  • Chart should be rendered before you can use showAtX method.
  • showAtX can be used to sync toolTip across multiple charts in a page.
var chart = new  CanvasJS.Chart("container",
 toolTip: {
   // toolTip properties

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Syncing ToolTip

Below is an example showing synchronizing toolTip across multiple charts.

Try it Yourself by Editing the Code below.

  Also See:    

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