xValueFormatString: String

Defines how x values must be formatted before they appear on the indexLabel or toolTip. You can format numbers and date time values using this property.

  • You can read more about the supported formatting options here.

var  chart =  new  CanvasJS.Chart("container",
 data: [{
   xValueFormatString: "Year ####",


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Comments 3

  1. It would be nice if for the presentation of the labels there would be a callback like for the mouse-over. The values here are as dynamic (MB->GB etc) as they would be in the mouseover.

  2. Hi,
    I have the timestamp in nanoseccond eg: “xcol -> 84108058.966620” or “114108058.966620” and I need to change it to HHMM, So I just changed timestamp to “84108058 or 114108058” and then I am using “Array1.push({x:parseInt(xcol),y:parseInt(ycol)});”. By using this “x:parseInt(xcol)”, I get time in format like “841 or 1,141” and I want in format like “841 or 1141” or “8:41 or 11:41” . I cannot use “label:parseInt(xcol)” for this because it change the plot appearance.
    Please help in this.
    what can we do for this ??

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