horizontalAlign: String

This property lets you align the Legend Position horizontally.

Default: “center”
Example: “left”, “right”, “center”

  • By combining this with verticalAlign, Legend can be aligned in nine positions on the chart.
Options horizontalAlign verticalAlign
1 “left” “top”
2 “left” “center”
3 “left” “bottom”
4 “center” “top”
5 “center” “center”
6 “center” “bottom”
7 “right” “top”
8 “right” “center”
9 “right” “bottom”

var  chart =  new  CanvasJS.Chart("container",
 legend :{
 horizontalAlign: "right",


Try it Yourself by Editing the Code below.

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Comments 3

  1. It is possible – “showInLegend” and “legendText” (like: Number) will be same alignment? Then blue cirlce in “legend” is down form the “legend” text…..

    • ShivaKrishna,

      As of now this feature is not available. As a workaround you can use custom HTML div to show as the way you want. Here is an example with custom Legends in a scrollable div.

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