Overview – RangeSelector in StockChart

RangeSelector is used to control the range of data being shown in viewport of charts by entering the range manually. It comprises of buttons with pre-defined ranges and Inputfields to enter start and end values of range as text.

  • You can also integrate third party libraries like jQuery Datepicker with inputFields as shown here.
CanvasJS javascript chart title


var stockChart = new CanvasJS.StockChart("container",
 rangeSelector: {
   height: 100,
   buttons: [{
   inputFields: {

rangeSelector Object

Below are properties which can be used to customize RangeSelector.

Applies To Attribute Type Default Options/Examples Remarks
rangeSelector enabled Boolean true false, true
rangeSelector width Number Takes stockchart container’s width by default 400, 800, etc.
rangeSelector height Number Auto calculated based on stock-chart size 50, 100, etc.
rangeSelector verticalAlign String “top” “top”, “bottom”
rangeSelector label String “Range” “Zoom”, “Range”, etc.
rangeSelector selectedRangeButtonIndex Number none 1, 2, etc.

You can set the initially selected range button programmatically using selectedRangeButtonIndex property as shown below.

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buttons Array

buttons array is a collection of Range Buttons to be shown inside the Range Selector.

var stockChart = new CanvasJS.StockChart("container",
 rangeSelector: {
   buttons: [
       label: "1Month",
       range: 1,
       rangeType: "month"

Below are properties which can be used to customize Range Buttons.

Applies To Attribute Type Default Options/Examples
buttons label String Automatically assigned based on the range “1M”, “5M”
buttons range Number Auto Calculated based on data 1, 4 …
buttons rangeType String “month” “numeric”, “millisecond”, “second”, “minute”, “hour”, “day”, “week”, “month”, “year”, “ytd”, “all”

Customizing Range Buttons

You can customize the number of buttons, their range and labels (text) to be shown using the properties listed above. Here is an example:

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Styling Range Buttons

There are number of attributes you can set inside buttonStyle object to customize the look and feel of the Range Buttons.

var stockChart = new CanvasJS.StockChart("container",
 rangeSelector: {
   buttonStyle: {
     backgroundColor: "grey",

Below are the button styling attributes.

Applies To Attribute Type Default Options/Examples Remarks
buttonStyle backgroundColor String “white” “blue”, “#a0beec”
buttonStyle backgroundColorOnHover String “#41a5f5” (varies based on themes) “grey”, “#2196f3”
buttonStyle backgroundColorOnSelect String “#008eff” “darkSlateBlue”, “#eaeaea”
buttonStyle borderColor String “#2196f3” (varies based on themes) “Crimson”, “#41a5f5”
buttonStyle borderThickness Number 1 2, 4 …
buttonStyle labelFontColor String “grey” “red”, “#FAC003”
buttonStyle labelFontColorOnHover String “grey” “yellow”, “#FAC003”
buttonStyle labelFontSize Number Auto Calculated based on Stockchart Size 14, 16 …
buttonStyle labelFontStyle String “normal” “normal”, “italic”, “oblique”
buttonStyle labelFontFamily String “Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif” “calibri”, “tahoma”, “verdana”
buttonStyle labelFontWeight String “normal” “lighter”, “normal”, “bold”, “bolder”
buttonStyle width Number Auto Calculated based on Stockchart Size 8, 10, 11 …
buttonStyle maxWidth Number Auto Calculated based on Stockchart Size 4, 8, 16 …
buttonStyle padding Number { left: 5, right: 5, top: 2, bottom: 2 } { left: 2, right: 2, top: 2, bottom: 2 }, 2 , 3
buttonStyle spacing Number 0 1, 3, 4 …
buttonStyle cursor String “pointer” “pointer”, “move”, “crosshair”

Here is an example which shows how to style range buttons using the above properties.

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inputFields Object

inputFields allows you to set range of the data to be displayed on all charts. You can also integrate third party libraries like jQuery Datepicker with inputFields as shown here.

var stockChart = new CanvasJS.StockChart("container",
 rangeSelector: {
   inputFields: {
     startValue: new Date(2017, 06, 01),
     endValue: new Date(2017, 09, 01)

Below are properties which can be used to customize Inputfields.

Applies To Attribute Type Default Options/Examples Remarks
inputFields enabled Boolean true true, false
inputFields startValue Number/Date/Timestamp Automatically Calculated based on data. 20, 100, new Date(2017, 06, 01)
inputFields endValue Number/Date/Timestamp Automatically Calculated based on data. 400, 700, new Date(2017, 09, 04)
inputFields valueType String Automatically Calculated based on data. “number”, “dateTime”
inputFields valueFormatString String null “DD-MM-YYYY” Auto Formatted

Setting the Initial Range using Inputfields

You can set the initial range of data by using startValue and endValue of inputFields as shown in below example. Note that slider (inside Navigator) adjusts its range accordingly.

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Styling Inputfields

You can style the Inputfields by using style object under inputFields.

var stockChart = new CanvasJS.StockChart("container",
 rangeSelector: {
   inputFields: {
     style: {
       backgroundColor: "#d8d8d8"

Below are the styling attributes.

Applies To Attribute Type Default Options/Examples Remarks
style backgroundColor String “white” “blue”, “#a0beec”
style borderColor String “#2196f3” “blue”, “#d3d1dc”
style borderColorOnFocus String “#008eff” “black”, “#eaeaea”
style borderThickness Number 2 3, 4
style fontColor String “#000000” “black”, “#d3d1dc”
style fontSize Number 12 1, 2
style fontStyle String “normal” “normal”, “italic” , “oblique”
style fontFamily String “Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif” “Arial, Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, sans-serif”
style fontWeight String “normal” “lighter”, “normal”, “bold” , “bolder”
style width Number Auto Calculated 90, 100
style maxWidth Number Auto Calculated 750, 960
style padding Number 2 6, 10
style cursor String “text” “pointer”, “crosshair”

Here is an example which shows how to style Inputfields using the properties listed above.

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