axisX object lets you set various parameters of X Axis like interval, grid lines, etc. It is mostly horizontal, except when we are working with Bar Charts, where axisX is vertical.
Notevar chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("container", { . . axisX:{ title:"Axis X title", }, . . }); chart.render();
axisX can also contain multiple Axis objects in the form of an array in case you need Multiple X Axis as shown below.
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("container", { . . axisX: [ { title :"1st Axis X Title", }, { title :"2nd Axis X Title", } ], . . }); chart.render();
Applies To | Attribute | Type | Default | Options/Examples | Remarks |
axisX | title | String | null | “Axis Title” | |
axisX | titleWrap | Boolean | true | true, false | |
axisX | titleMaxWidth | Number | Automatically Calculated based on Chart Size | 150, 200 | |
axisX | titleBackgroundColor | String | transparent | “red”,”#FA0076″,… | |
axisX | titleBorderColor | String | transparent | “red”,”#FABD76″,… | |
axisX | titleBorderThickness | Number | 0 | 2,4 .. | |
axisX | titlePadding | Number/Object | 0 | 2,4 .. | |
axisX | titleTextAlign | String | “left” | “left”, “center”, “right” | |
axisX | titleFontColor | String | “#333333” | “red”, “#006400” .. | |
axisX | titleFontSize | Number | Auto. Calculated | 25, 30 .. | |
axisX | titleFontFamily | String | “Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif” | “arial” , “tahoma”, “verdana” .. | |
axisX | titleFontWeight | String | “normal” | “lighter”, “normal, “bold”, “bolder” | |
axisX | titleFontStyle | String | “normal” | “normal”,“italic”, “oblique” | |
axisX | margin | Number | 2 | 10, 12 .. | |
axisX | labelBackgroundColor | String | “transparent” | “red”, “#fabd76” | |
axisX | labelBorderColor | String | “transparent” | “red”, “#fabd76” | |
axisX | labelBorderThickness | Number | 0 | 2, 4… | |
axisX | labelPadding | Number/Object | 0 | 2, 4… | |
axisX | labelMaxWidth | Number | Automatically calculated based on the length of label | 45,150, 60 .. | |
axisX | labelWrap | Boolean | true | true, false | |
axisX | labelAutoFit | Boolean | true | true, false | |
axisX | labelAngle | Number | 0 | 45,-45, 60 .. | |
axisX | labelFontFamily | String | “Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif” | “tahoma”, “verdana” .. | |
axisX | labelFontColor | String | “#000000” | “red”, “#006400” .. | |
axisX | labelFontSize | Number | Auto. Calculated | 25, 30 .. | |
axisX | labelFontWeight | String | “normal” | “lighter”, “normal, “bold”, “bolder” | |
axisX | labelFontStyle | String | “normal” | “normal”,“italic”, “oblique” | |
axisX | labelPlacement | String | “outside” | “inside”,“outside” | |
axisX | labelTextAlign | String | “left” | “left”,”center”,”right” | |
axisX | prefix | String | “” | “batch”, “cat”.. | |
axisX | suffix | String | “” | “batch”, “cat”.. | |
axisX | valueFormatString | String | null | “#,##0.##” | |
axisX | minimum | Number | null | -100, 350 | |
axisX | maximum | Number | null | 100, 350 | |
axisX | interval | Number | null | 25, 40 | |
axisX | intervalType | String | null | 25, 40 | |
axisX | reversed | Boolean | false | true, false | |
axisX | logarithmic | Boolean | false | true, false | |
axisX | logarithmBase | Number | 10 | 2,10 … | |
axisX | tickLength | Number | 5 | 15, 20 | |
axisX | tickColor | String | “#666666” | “red”, “#006400” .. | |
axisX | tickThickness | Number | 1 | 5, 8.. | |
axisX | tickPlacement | String | “outside” | “outside”, “inside” | |
axisX | lineColor | String | “#666666” | “red”, “#006400” .. | |
axisX | lineThickness | Number | 1 | 5, 8.. | |
axisX | interlacedColor | String | “transparent” | “#F8F1E4”, “#FEFDDF” .. | |
axisX | gridThickness | Number | 0 | 5, 8.. | |
axisX | gridColor | String | “#BBBBBB” | “red”, “#006400” .. | |
axisX | gridDashType | String | “solid” | “dot”, “dash” etc. | |
axisX | lineDashType | String | “solid” | “dot”, “dash” etc. | |
axisX | labelFormatter | Function | |||
axisX | viewportMinimum | Number | null | -100, 350 | |
axisX | viewportMaximum | Number | null | 100, 350 |
Object | Attributes | Type | Default | Options |
axisX | stripLines | Object | ||
axisX | crosshair | Object | ||
axisX | scaleBreaks | Object |
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("container", { axisX: { stripLines: {} }, }); chart.render();
Is there a way to centre the label? It seems that when it wraps it is left aligned.
Can I use string values for x-axis (bar chart)?
You can use labels for the same.
I have a bar chart with labels (on axisX) and y values, where visually the y values are across the bottom and the labels are along the left side. I want to not show the labels. I’ve tried setting labelFontSize, gridThickness, lineThickness, tickThickness, to 0, and valueFormatString to ” ” (space) but the labels persist. Note that if I set labelFontSize to 1, the labels are still there but extremely tiny. (Not a bad effect, actually.) I know I can remove labels by setting them all in the data set to “”, but I think setting labelFontSize to 0 should also have the effect of not showing any labels, right?
Here is an example
I see that example, but if you change either the “x” or “y” in the data points to “label”, the label appears on the axis, even though the valueFormatString has been set to ” “. In my case, I need to use labels (not just numeric x and y) because they’re alphabetic text strings.
How to make the x axis as a centre reference line? (want to move the x axis upwards)
This feature is not possible yet.
the zoomIn function isn’t work when I set minimum&maximum on axisX.
Is possible both of them work at the same chart?
Zooming does work when minimum and maximum are set. But the range of zooming gets limited by minimum and maximum values that you set. Here is an example.
In case this is not what you were looking for, please create a JSFiddle so that we can have a look??
I want my x axis label provide in table like this..
It possible or not ? can you help me ?
Hello Can we change x and y axis color ?
Do we have this property?
You can set lineColor to each axis to set different colors.