buttonStyle object lets you customize the style of Range Buttons in StockChart.
var stockChart = new CanvasJS.StockChart("container", { . . rangeSelector: { buttonStyle: { backgroundColor: "grey", . . }, . . }, . . }); stockChart.render();
Applies To | Attribute | Type | Default | Options/Examples | Remarks |
buttonStyle | backgroundColor | String | “white” | “blue”, “#a0beec”, … | |
buttonStyle | backgroundColorOnHover | String | “#41a5f5” (varies based on themes) | “grey”, “#2196f3”, … | |
buttonStyle | backgroundColorOnSelect | String | “#008eff” | “darkSlateBlue”, “#eaeaea”, … | |
buttonStyle | borderColor | String | “#2196f3” (varies based on themes) | “Crimson”, “#41a5f5”, … | |
buttonStyle | borderThickness | Number | 1 | 2, 4, … | |
buttonStyle | labelFontColor | String | “grey” | “red”, “#FAC003”, … | |
buttonStyle | labelFontColorOnHover | String | “grey” | “yellow”, “#FAC003”, … | |
buttonStyle | labelFontSize | Number | Auto Calculated based on Stockchart Size | 14, 16, … | |
buttonStyle | labelFontStyle | String | “normal” | “normal”, “italic”, “oblique” | |
buttonStyle | labelFontFamily | String | “Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif” | “calibri”, “tahoma”, “verdana”, … | |
buttonStyle | labelFontWeight | String | “normal” | “lighter”, “normal”, “bold”, “bolder” | |
buttonStyle | labelTextAlign | String | “center” | “left”, “center”, “right” | |
buttonStyle | width | Number | Automatically Calculated based on the Range Selector’s width | 8, 10, 11, … | |
buttonStyle | maxWidth | Number | Automatically Calculated based on the Range Selector’s width | 4, 8, 16, … | |
buttonStyle | padding | Number | { left: 5, right: 5, top: 2, bottom: 2 } | { left: 2, right: 2, top: 2, bottom: 2 }, 2 , 3, … | |
buttonStyle | spacing | Number | 0 | 1, 3, 4, … | |
buttonStyle | cursor | String | “pointer” | “pointer”, “move”, “crosshair” |
Below example shows how to customize the background and border style of Range Buttons.
Also See: