colorSet: String

Sets the colorSet of Navigator. Color Set is an array of colors that is used to set the color of individual dataSeries in a sequence. Various predefined Color Sets are bundled along with the library. You can either choose from the pre-defined Color Sets or define your own Color Set as shown in this tutorial.

Default: Inherits from parent StockChart’s colorSet property.
Options: “colorSet1”, “colorSet2”, “colorSet3”

Defining a custom Color Set:

CanvasJS provides a way to add custom colorSet to the library. Color Sets added in this manner are globally available and can be used by any chart or navigator in the page.

Syntax: CanvasJS.addColorSet(colorSetName, colorSetArray)

     [//colorSet Array

Once a Color Set is added, you can refer to it by name – similar to pre-defined ones. Below is the syntax showing how to use it.

var stockChart = new CanvasJS.StockChart("container",
  navigator: {
    colorSet: "customColorSet1"


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