formatNumber(number [, formatString] [, culture])

Formats number according to the given formatString(optional) & culture(optional). Default formatString is “#,##0.##” & default culture is “en”.

  • This is a static function under CanvasJS namespace and it can be used directly without instantiating a chart. Hence you can also use it outside the chart too for formatting numbers.
  • Can be very useful inside Custom Formatter Functions
  1. //Using CanvasJS.formatNumber.
  2. var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("container",
  3. {
  4. title:{
  5. text: "Chart with " + CanvasJS.formatNumber(100000) + " dataPoints" //gets formatted as 100,000
  6. },
  7. .
  8. .
  9. });
  11. chart.render();

To know more about number format string , please refer to this section.

To know more about adding custom culture, info please refer to this section

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