risingColor: String

In candle Stick chart, when Closing Price is greater than Opening price, the body is filled with white by default and it can be overridden by risingColor property. In case of waterFall chart, rising color changes the default color of non-negative dataPoints. The fallingColor can be a “HTML Color Name” or “hex” code.

Default: “white”
Options: “red”, “#DD7E86”, etc.
  • risingColor property can only be used with candle stick chart.
var  chart =  new  CanvasJS.Chart("container",
   type : "candlestick",
   risingColor: "#DD7E86", 

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  1. Pingback: CanvasJS v1.5 with Stock Charts, Range Charts & Export as Image Feature

  2. John says:

    Would it be possible to set a falling color as well, so that it’s different from the boundary color?

    • Anjali says:


      As of now, we don’t have falling color property. But we will consider it for future versions.

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