lineDashType: String

Sets the Line Dash Type for all Line Charts.

Default: “solid”
Example: “dot”, “dash”, etc.

Supported Line Dash Types:

  • “solid”
  • “shortDash”
  • “shortDot”
  • “shortDashDot”
  • “shortDashDotDot”
  • “dot”
  • “dash”
  • “dashDot”
  • “longDash”
  • “longDashDot”
  • “longDashDotDot”
  1. var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("container",
  2. {
  3. .
  4. .
  5. data:[ {
  6. dataPoints: [
  7. {x: 10 , y: 50 , lineDashType: "dash" },
  9. ],
  11. },
  12. ]
  13. .
  14. .
  15. });
  16. chart.render();

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