It represents collection of dataPoints inside dataSeries .
Each value that has to be plotted on the chart is referred to as a dataPoint.
Notesvar chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("container", { . . data:[ { //dataSeries . . dataPoints : [ // values go here . . ], }, }); chart.render();
Applies To | Attribute | Type | Default | Options/Examples | Remarks |
dataPoint | x | number | null | 10,20,30 .. | new Date(2012, 12, 15) | |
dataPoint | y | number | null | 34, 26, 28.. | |
dataPoint | z | number | null | 240, 300, 400 | |
dataPoint | name | string | auto. | “apple”, “mango” | |
dataPoint | label | string | null | “label1”,”label2″… | |
dataPoint | indexLabel | String | null | “{label}”, “Win”, “x: {x}, y: {y} ” | |
dataPoint | indexLabelWrap | Boolean | true | true, false | |
dataPoint | indexLabelMaxWidth | Number | Automatically calculated based on the length of indexLabel | 2, 10, 40 etc | |
dataSeries | indexLabelTextAlign | String | “left” | “left”,”center”, “right” | |
dataPoint | indexLabelPlacement | string | “outside” | “inside”,”outside” | |
dataPoint | indexLabelOrientation | string | “horizontal” | “horizontal”,”vertical” | |
dataPoint | indexLabelBackgroundColor | string | null | “red”,”#1E90FF”.. | |
dataPoint | indexLabelBorderColor | String | null | “red”,”#FABD76″.. | |
dataPoint | indexLabelBorderThickness | Number | 0 | 1, 3 | |
dataPoint | indexLabelPadding | Number/Object | 0 | 1, 3 | |
dataPoint | indexLabelFontColor | string | “grey” | “red”,”#1E90FF”.. | |
dataPoint | indexLabelFontSize | number | 18 | 16,20,24.. | |
dataPoint | indexLabelFontStyle | string | “normal” | “normal”, “italic”, “oblique” | |
dataPoint | indexLabelFontFamily | string | “Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif” | “arial”, “calibri”, “tahoma”.. | |
dataPoint | indexLabelFontWeight | string | “normal” | “lighter”, “normal” ,”bold” , “bolder” | |
dataPoint | indexLabelLineColor | string | “lightgrey” | “red”, “#1E90FF”.. | |
dataPoint | indexLabelLineThickness | number | 2 | 4,6.. | |
dataPoint | toolTipContent | string | auto. | “{y} units” | |
dataPoint | exploded | boolean | false | true, false | |
dataPoint | color | string | from theme | “red”,”#1E90FF”.. | |
dataPoint | lineColor | string | dataSeries lineColor | “red”,”#1E90FF”.. | |
dataPoint | lineDashType | string | dataSeries lineDashType | “dash”, “dot”.. | |
dataPoint | legendText | string | “dataPoint1”, “dataPoint2” .. | “apples”, “oranges” .. | |
dataPoint | legendMarkerType | string | “circle” | “circle”, “square”, “cross”, “triangle” | |
dataPoint | legendMarkerColor | string | marker Color | “red”,”#1E90FF”.. | |
dataPoint | legendMarkerBorderColor | string | dataSeries marker Color | “red”,”#1E90FF”.. | |
dataPoint | legendMarkerBorderThickness | Number | 0 | 2, 4 etc | |
dataPoint | markerType | string | “circle” | “circle”, “square”, “cross”, “triangle” | |
dataPoint | markerColor | string | dataSeries Color | “red”,”#1E90FF”.. | |
dataPoint | markerSize | number | auto. Zero for area chart | 5,10.. | |
dataPoint | markerBorderColor | string | dataSeries color. | “red”,”#1E90FF”.. | |
dataPoint | markerBorderThickness | number | 1 | 4,6.. | |
dataPoint | click | function | null | function(e) { }, | |
dataPoint | mouseover | function | null | function(e) { }, | |
dataPoint | mouseout | function | null | function(e) { }, | |
dataPoint | mousemove | function | null | function(e) { }, | |
dataPoint | cursor | String | “default” | “pointer”, “crosshair”, etc | Sets cursor type for the dataPoint |
dataPoint | highLightEnabled | Boolean | true | false, true | Enables or Disables highlighting of dataPoint on mouse hover. |
dataPoint | indexLabelLineDashType | String | “solid” | “dot”, “dash”… | |
dataPoint | indexLabelFormatter | Function | null | function(e) { } | |
dataPoint | showInLegend | Boolean | false | true, false |
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Is there a way to show the y value of a column chart on each column and not only on mouse hover as a tool tip?
You can use indexLabel for the same.
is there a way to get the actual canvas x/y position of a data point?
also, how could i draw a section of a graph colored about the x or y axis? or about multiple (let’s say i want to create a rectangle over a certain x/y range of a line chart).
Hi Travis,
As of now its not possible to get coordinate values in pixel and for plotting colored band you can use stripLines.
How to change Cursor to crosshair on mouse everywhere in the areas?
How can I initialize datapoints array dynamically? instead of say, 10 points I want to add as many points as available in a javascript array;
Please refer to this example.