axisY2 is the secondary axis which renders on the opposite of primary axis (axisY). It is mostly vertical, except when we are working with Bar Charts, where axisY2 is horizontal.
Notesvar chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("container", { . . axisY2: { title: "Axis Y2 Title" } . }); chart.render();
axisY2 can also contain multiple Axis objects in the form of an array in case you need Multiple Secondary Y Axis as shown below.
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("container", { . . axisY2: [ { title :"1st Secondary Axis Y Title", }, { Title: "2nd Secondary Axis Y Title" } ], . . }); chart.render();
Applies To | Attribute | Type | Default | Options/Examples | Remarks |
axisY2 | title | String | null | “Axis Y Title” | |
axisY2 | titleWrap | Boolean | true | true, false | |
axisY2 | titleMaxWidth | Number | Automatically Calculated based on Chart Size | 150, 200 | |
axisY2 | titleBackgroundColor | String | transparent | “red”,”#FA0076″,… | |
axisY2 | titleBorderColor | String | transparent | “red”,”#FABD76″,…. | |
axisY2 | titleBorderThickness | Number | 0 | 2,4 .. | |
axisY2 | titlePadding | Number/Object | 0 | 2,4 .. | |
axisY2 | titleTextAlign | String | “left” | “left”, “center”, “right” | |
axisY2 | titleFontColor | String | “#666666” | “red”, “#006400” .. | |
axisY2 | titleFontSize | Number | Auto. Calculated | 25, 30 .. | |
axisY2 | titleFontFamily | String | “Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif” | “arial” , “tahoma”, “verdana” .. | |
axisY2 | titleFontWeight | String | “normal” | “lighter”, “normal, “bold”, “bolder” | |
axisY2 | titleFontStyle | String | “normal” | “normal”,“italic”, “oblique” | |
axisY2 | margin | Number | 2 | 10, 12 .. | |
axisY2 | labelBackgroundColor | String | “transparent” | “red”, “#fabd76” | |
axisY2 | labelBorderColor | String | “transparent” | “red”, “#fabd76” | |
axisY2 | labelBorderThickness | Number | 0 | 2, 4… | |
axisY2 | labelPadding | Number/Object | 0 | 2, 4… | |
axisY2 | labelMaxWidth | Number | Automatically calculated based on the length of label | 45,150, 60 .. | |
axisY2 | labelWrap | Boolean | true | true, false | |
axisY2 | labelAutoFit | Boolean | true | true, false | |
axisY2 | labelAngle | Number | 0 | 45,-45, 60 .. | |
axisY2 | labelFontFamily | String | “Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif” | “tahoma”, “verdana” .. | |
axisY2 | labelFontColor | String | “grey” | “red”, “#006400” .. | |
axisY2 | labelFontSize | Number | Auto. Calculated | 25, 30 .. | |
axisY2 | labelFontWeight | String | “normal” | “lighter”, “normal, “bold”, “bolder” | |
axisY2 | labelFontStyle | String | “normal” | “normal”,“italic”, “oblique” | |
axisY2 | labelPlacement | String | “outside” | “outside”, “inside” | – |
axisY2 | labelTextAlign | String | “left” | “left”,”center”,”right” | |
axisY2 | prefix | String | null | “$”, “cat”.. | |
axisY2 | suffix | String | null | “USD”, “cat”.. | |
axisY2 | valueFormatString | String | null | “#,##0.##” | |
axisY2 | minimum | Number | null | -100, 350 | |
axisY2 | maximum | Number | null | 100, 350 | |
axisY2 | interval | Number | null | 25, 40 | |
axisY2 | reversed | Boolean | false | true, false | |
axisY2 | logarithmic | Boolean | false | true, false | |
axisY2 | logarithmBase | Number | 10 | 2,10 … | |
axisY2 | tickLength | Number | 5 | 15, 20 | |
axisY2 | tickColor | String | “#BBBBBB” | “red”, “#006400” .. | |
axisY2 | tickThickness | Number | 2 | 5, 8.. | |
axisY2 | lineColor | String | “#BBBBBB” | “red”, “#006400” .. | |
axisY2 | lineThickness | Number | 1 | 5, 8.. | |
axisY2 | interlacedColor | String | null | “#F8F1E4”, “#FEFDDF” .. | |
axisY2 | gridThickness | Number | 2 | 5, 8.. | |
axisY2 | gridColor | String | “#BBBBBB” | “red”, “#006400” .. | |
axisY2 | includeZero | Boolean | true | false, true | |
axisY2 | gridDashType | String | “solid” | “dot”, “dash” etc. | |
axisY2 | lineDashType | String | “solid” | “dot”, “dash” etc. | |
axisY2 | labelFormatter | Function | |||
axisY2 | viewportMinimum | Number | null | -100, 350 | |
axisY2 | viewportMaximum | Number | null | 100, 350 |
Composite Attribute (Object)
Object | Attributes | Type | Default | Options |
axisY2 | stripLines | Object | ||
axisY2 | crosshair | Object | ||
axisY2 | scaleBreaks | Object |
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("container", { axisY2: { stripLines: {} }, }); chart.render();
Hello. I am a web developer. I have questions.
Do you support three or more Y-axes in CanvasJS?
If you do not support Do you have a development plan?
As of now we do not support more than two y-axis. But we are considering this for future versions. Should have more clarity in 3 – 4 weeks.
do you have some news?
Can u tell me how to use both y axis in same graph.
We have just released v1.9.5 Beta which supports Secondary X Axis and Multiple X / Y Axis. Please refer to the release blog for more information.
Here is an example for multiple y-axis.
Is canvasjs now supporting more then 2 y-axis?
Thanks in advance!
We have just released v1.9.5 Beta which supports Secondary X Axis and Multiple X / Y Axis. Please refer to the release blog for more information.
Sorry, we don’t support more than 2 y-axis yet. But we’ll be working on in 2 months.
We also need multiply y axises. When this feature will be available?
We have just released v1.9.5 Beta which supports Secondary X Axis and Multiple X / Y Axis. Please refer to the release blog for more information.
Do you support multi-line title on y-axis and on x-axis?
We are implementing this feature in the upcoming version – which will be available in next week.
Just checking if you guys have managed to implement more than 2 y-axis yet?
Sorry, this feature is not available yet, we have considered it for future versions.
Is there a way to align the grid lines of a chart with two y-axes. Right now my chart looks like this
However, I want the gridlines to line up between the axes.
Sorry As of now there is no way to align the grid lines of a chart with two y-axes. However you can align them manually by setting viewports, interval. For example here I have used viewportMinimum to align the girds.
Thanks for the quick answer. I have had to add quite a bit of code to make my chart look decent since all the data is dynamic. Are there plans to make some kind of auto align grid lines option in the future?
Yes, we have considered it for future versions, but we don’t have a timeline yet.