Strip Lines / Trend Lines are vertical or horizontal lines used to highlight/mark a certain region on the plot area. They are also referred to as Trend Lines. You can choose whether to draw a line at a specific position or shade a region on the plot area.
If you want to just mark a certain position on the caxis, you can set the value attribute and it’ll draw a line at that position with the set thickness. If you want to shade a region instead, you need to set startValue and endValue attributes. This will fill the area within the specified range.
In the case you set startValue and endValue attributes, value and thickness attributes are ignored (as either a single thread of line can exist, or a shaded region between two given points).
Strip Lines can be displayed using AxisX or AxisY’s stripLines array. This allows you to have one or more strip lines on both x & y axis.
Here is an example:
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("container", { . . axisY:{ stripLines:[ { startValue:25, endValue:32, color:"#d8d8d8", label : "Label 1", labelFontColor: "#a8a8a8", } ] }, . . }); chart.render();
Applies To | Attribute | Type | Default | Options/Examples |
stripLines | value | Number | null | 12 |
stripLines | startValue | Number | null | 20 |
stripLines | endValue | Number | null | 30 |
stripLines | thickness | Number | 1 | 5,10,20 |
stripLines | color | String | “#FF7300” | “green”,”#23EA23″ |
stripLines | label | String | “” (empty string) | “Threshold”,”Target” |
stripLines | labelPlacement | String | “inside” | “inside”,”outside” |
stripLines | labelAlign | String | “far” | “far”,”center”,”near” |
stripLines | labelWrap | Boolean | true | true,false |
stripLines | labelMaxWidth | Number | Automatically Calculated based on label length | 100, 200… |
stripLines | labelTextAlign | String | “left” | “left”, “center”, “right” |
stripLines | labelBackgroundColor | String | “transparent” | “red”,”#fabd76″ |
stripLines | labelBorderColor | String | “transparent” | “red”,”#fabd76″ |
stripLines | labelBorderThickness | Number | 0 | 1,2,.. |
stripLines | labelPadding | Number/Object | 0 | 1,2,.. |
stripLines | labelFontFamily | String | “Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, sans-serif” | “Arial, Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, sans-serif” |
stripLines | labelFontColor | String | “orange” | “blue”,”#4135e9″ |
stripLines | labelFontSize | Number | 12 | 18,19,20,22 |
stripLines | labelFontWeight | String | “normal” | “lighter”,”normal”,”bold”,”bolder” |
stripLines | labelFontStyle | String | “normal” | “normal”,”oblique”,”italic” |
stripLines | showOnTop | Boolean | false | true, false |
stripLines | lineDashType | String | “solid” | “dot”, “dash” etc. |
stripLines | opacity | Number | null | .1, .2, .5 etc. |
stripLines | labelFormatter | Function |
Also See:
How to make multiple strip lines at a regular interval using javascript for loop?
Please refer this example.
How to make bold character in label of stripline. For Example ,” Musical Class ( 45 student ) ” . i want “45 student” in bracket is bold
It is not possible yet.
Any chance of including the “labelAngle” attribute to the stripline object?
As of now labelAngle for stripline will be same as axis’s labelAngle.
Hi !
Just a question : Can we limit a stripline on axis X ?
Example :
limitAxisX : 1940 // Strip line stops at year 1940
Thank you in advance for your answers and your really useful library ;).
Sorry, this is not possible as of now.
Thanks to your reply. I’ll try to realize in another way. :)
This is another nice feature I was looking for and it is there!
Great library!
If I have multiple striplines, how to set priority as which one to be shown on top in case all the lines overlap?
StripLines are rendered in the order of appearance in StripLines array. So, you can prioritize them according to your requirement.
How do we ensure stripLines are within the automatically calculated x- or y- axis range? I want the graph to always include my stripLines because they are goal markers so it would be helpful for the end user to know if they are above/below their goals.
Jim Dunne,
As of now you can set axis minimum and maximum to make sure graph always include stripLines.
value:new Date(“”),
label: ” Last”,
labelFontColor: “#a8a8a8”
the labelPlacement is not working for me I want my label to be inside instead of outside…
a little help here pls.
In javascript instance of Date with empty string is treated as Invalid Date. So, removing the empty string inside Date constractor should show the stripLine.
It is possible to dynamic update stripLines value?
Martin Potančok,
Yes, you can update stripline value by using chart.options (eg: chart.options.axisX.stripLines[0].value) and render it by calling chart.render().
Please refer this example.
Is it possible to add showOnTop:true to multiple striplines?? I tried adding the feature to two striplines(at different values) and only the second one came on top while the first stripline completely disappeared….
Kindly download and check with this intermediate build. The issue has been fixed and will be bundled in our next release. Till then you can use this intermediate build.