label: String

Sets the label of the stripLine. These are shown on top of axis labels.

Default: “” (empty string)
Example: “Threshold”, “1920”

var  chart =  new  CanvasJS.Chart("container",
    stripLines: [{
        label:"Label 1",

Try it Yourself by Editing the Code below.

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Comments 2

  1. Hi, is there any opportunity to have the stripLine-label not on top of the y-axis-label?
    For example, when I’m changing on the above example the value from 35 to 40, the label “35” is hiding the value 40. I want to display both of them.
    Is this somehow possible? Like having the stripLine-label left of the axis-label?

    • Sorry, this feature is not available yet but we are considering the same for future versions.

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