axisX2: Object

axisX2 is the secondary axis which renders on the opposite of primary axis (axisX). It is mostly horizontal on top, except when we are working with Bar Charts, where axisX2 is vertical on right.

  • Support for Multiple X / Y Axis and Secondary X Axis is available in v1.9.5 and above. Please download the latest version if you haven’t already.
  • It is not applicable for Pie and Doughnut charts.
  • axisX2 contains the same properties as axisX.

var  chart =  new  CanvasJS.Chart("container",
 axisX2: {
     title :"Axis X2 Title",

axisX2 can also contain multiple Axis objects in the form of an array in case you need Multiple Secondary X Axis as shown below.

var  chart =  new  CanvasJS.Chart("container",
 axisX2: [
     title :"1st Secondary Axis X Title",
     title: "2nd Secondary Axis X Title"

Simple axisX2 Attributes

  • axisX2 has exactly the same properties as axisX object and hence all links below will redirect to corresponding pages in axisX.
Applies To Attribute Type Default Options/Examples Remarks
axisX2 title String null “Axis Title”
axisX2 titleWrap Boolean true true, false
axisX2 titleMaxWidth Number Automatically Calculated based on Chart Size 150, 200
axisX2 titleFontColor String “#666666” “red”, “#006400” ..
axisX2 titleFontSize Number Auto. Calculated 25, 30 ..
axisX2 titleFontFamily String “Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif” “arial” , “tahoma”, “verdana” ..
axisX2 titleFontWeight String “normal” “lighter”, “normal, “bold”, “bolder”
axisX2 titleFontStyle String “normal” “normal”,“italic”, “oblique”
axisX2 margin Number 2 10, 12 ..
axisX2 labelBackgroundColor String “transparent” “red”, “#fabd76”
axisX2 labelMaxWidth Number Automatically calculated based on the length of label 45,150, 60 ..
axisX2 labelWrap Boolean true true, false
axisX2 labelAutoFit Boolean true true, false
axisX2 labelAngle Number 0 45,-45, 60 ..
axisX2 labelFontFamily String “Calibri, Optima, Candara, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif” “tahoma”, “verdana” ..
axisX2 labelFontColor String “grey” “red”, “#006400” ..
axisX2 labelFontSize Number Auto. Calculated 25, 30 ..
axisX2 labelFontWeight String “normal” “lighter”, “normal, “bold”, “bolder”
axisX2 labelFontStyle String “normal” “normal”,“italic”, “oblique”
axisX2 labelPlacement String “outside” “outside”, “inside”
axisX2 labelTextAlign String “left” “left”,”center”,”right”
axisX2 prefix String null “batch”, “cat”..
axisX2 suffix String null “batch”, “cat”..
axisX2 valueFormatString String null “#,##0.##”
Auto Formatted
axisX2 minimum Number null -100, 350
Auto Calculated
axisX2 maximum Number null 100, 350
Auto Calculated
axisX2 interval Number null 25, 40
Auto Calculated
axisX2 intervalType String null 25, 40
used with interval
axisX2 reversed Boolean false true, false
axisX2 logarithmic Boolean false true, false
axisX2 logarithmBase Number 10 2,10 …
axisX2 tickLength Number 5 15, 20
axisX2 tickColor String “#BBBBBB” “red”, “#006400” ..
axisX2 tickThickness Number 2 5, 8..
axisX2 lineColor String “#BBBBBB” “red”, “#006400” ..
axisX2 lineThickness Number 2 5, 8..
axisX2 interlacedColor String null “#F8F1E4”, “#FEFDDF” ..
axisX2 gridThickness Number 0 5, 8..
Inc. to see grid
axisX2 gridColor String “#BBBBBB” “red”, “#006400” ..
axisX2 gridDashType String “solid” “dot”, “dash” etc.
axisX2 lineDashType String “solid” “dot”, “dash” etc.
axisX2 labelFormatter Function
Try it Yourself by Editing the Code below.

Composite Attribute (Object)

Object Attributes Type Default Options
axisX2 stripLines Object
axisX2 crosshair Object
axisX2 scaleBreaks Object

var  chart =  new CanvasJS.Chart("container",
	axisX2: {
		stripLines: {}


  Also See:    

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