
This section is regarding Methods and Properties available in the Title element.

Example :
    chart.title.set(“fontColor”, “red”);

  • Chart should be rendered before you can access title & its methods / properties.

Title Methods:

Method Description Example
get(String propertyName) Returns the specified property of title chart.title.get(“text”);
set(String propertyName, Mixed value [,Boolean updateChart = true]) Sets the specified property of title & optionally updates (default) the chart chart.title.set(“horizontalAlign”, “center”);
remove([Boolean updateChart = true]) Removes title of the chart chart.title.remove();

Read-Only Title Properties:

Can be accessed via get method or dot notation.

Property Description Example
bounds Bounding rectangle of Title: {x1, x2, y1, y2} chart.bounds / chart.title.get(“bounds”)

Writable Properties in Title:

All Title options become available as properties after Chart Render. You can access them either via get method or dot notation. But you can change / set those values only via set method.

Please refer to Title element for complete list of properties available.

Try it Yourself by Editing the Code below.

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