rangeChanged: Function

Sets the rangeChanged event handler for Chart which is triggered after viewportMinimum or viewportMaximum are updated while zooming, panning, or reset. Upon event, a parameter that contains event related data is sent to the assigned event handler. Parameter includes trigger, type and axes viewportMinimum and viewportMaximum corresponding to the event.

  • rangeChanged is triggered only when range is changed manually using mouse/pointer (zoom/pan) and it does not fire when viewportMinimum and viewportMaximum are set programmatically.
  • This event along with viewportMinimum and viewportMaximum can be used to sync multiple chart ranges.

Default: null
Example: rangeChanged: function(e){
     alert( “Event Type : ” + e.type );

var  chart =  new  CanvasJS.Chart("container",
zoomEnabled: true,
rangeChanged: function(e){
			console.log("type : " + e.type + ", trigger : " + e.trigger + ", 
                        AxisX viewportMininum : " + e.axisX[0].viewportMinimum + ",
                        AxisX viewportMaximum : " + e.axisX[0].viewportMaximum);


Event Object

    type, // event type - "rangeChaning" or "rangeChanged"
    trigger, // "zoom", "pan", "reset"
    axisX:[{ // retuned only if axisX is present
        viewportMinimum, //null for zoomType: "y"
    axisY:[{ // retuned only if axisY is present
        viewportMinimum,  //null for zoomType: "x"

    axisX2:[{ // retuned only if axisX2 is present
        viewportMinimum, //null for zoomType: "y"
    axisY2:[{ // retuned only if axisY2 is present
        viewportMinimum,  //null for zoomType: "x"

  • axisX, axisY, axisX2 & axisY2 used to be simple objects (not array) prior to v1.9.5 beta. This change is due to the implementation of Multiple X / Y Axis.

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