Today, we are excited to announce the release of CanvasJS StockChart v1.0 & Chart v3.0. Below is a summary of this release.


Chart Release Update

CanvasJS JavaScript Charts Sync Tooltip


New Features & Improvements

  1. labelPlacement – to position axis labels either inside or outside the plot-area.
  2. tickPlacement – to position axis ticks either inside or outside the plot-area.
  3. updated & hidden events in crosshair.
  4. showAt & hide methods in crosshair – to programmatically show crosshair at a specified x/y value & to hide it.
  5. Getter & Setter methods in crosshair.
  6. updated & hidden events in toolTip.
  7. showAtX & hide methods in toolTip – to programmatically show toolTip at a specified x-value in dataSeries & to hide it.
  8. Syncing Tooltip & Crosshair across multiple charts.


StockChart Release Update

CanvasJS JavaScript StockChart Sync Tooltip


New Features & Improvements

  1. Supports all the features available in Charts.
  2. Range Selector & Navigator – lets you control range of data to be shown in viewport of all the charts.
  3. Supports multiple Charts within a StockChart.
  4. Synchronizes Tooltip & Crosshair across multiple charts by default.
  5. Supports exporting entire StockChart as image in JPG / PNG format or printing it on the client-side.
  6. Methods & Properties in StockChart.
  7. jQuery Plugin for StockChart.
  8. React Wrapper for StockChart.


Checkout Chart v3.0 Release Blog & StockChart v1.0 Release Blog for complete list of features, improvements & bug-fixes that are available.


Introductory Offer: Get 20% OFF on StockChart license using coupon code STOCK20 before 20th October 2020.


Do download the latest version from our download page and let us know your feedback.

Thank You,
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS