Monthly Archives: January 2023

CanvasJS Chart v3.7.5 & StockChart v1.7.5 GA Released

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Today we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.7.5 & StockChart v1.7.5 GA with a few bug fixes. Below is a summary of this release.   Release Update (Chart & StockChart)   Bug Fixes The exponential notation displayed in the axis labels, indexlabels & tooltip content was not in readable form when the datapoint values were either

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CanvasJS Chart v3.7.4 & StockChart v1.7.4 GA Released

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Today we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.7.4 & StockChart v1.7.4 GA with a few bug fixes. Below is a summary of this release.   Release Update (Chart & StockChart)   Bug Fixes Zoom / Pan button was always showing ‘Zoom’ as title irrespective of state of the button. panText property passed in culture was not

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