Today we are unwrapping the beta version of CanvasJS v3.0 with some of the major improvements / features like programmatically controlling toolTip & crosshair, API to sync tooltip & crosshair across multiple charts, showing axis labels inside plot-area, etc.


Below is a Demo of the new API which allows Synching ToolTip & Crosshair across multiple charts.



New Features & Enhancement

  1. labelPlacement – lets you position axis labels either inside or outside the plot-area.
  2. tickPlacement – lets you position axis ticks either inside or outside the plot-area.
  3. updated & hidden events in crosshair.
  4. showAt method in crosshair – to programmatically show crosshair at a specified x/y value.
  5. hide method in crosshair – to programmatically hide the crosshair.
  6. Getter & Setter methods in crosshair.
  7. updated & hidden events in toolTip.
  8. showAtX method in toolTip – to programmatically show toolTip at a specified x-value in dataSeries.
  9. hide method in toolTip – to hide toolTip programmatically.
  10. Syncing Tooltip & Crosshair across multiple charts.


Change in Behaviour

  1. includeZero defaults to false


Bug Fixes

  1. In case of area chart, enclosed region was not being filled properly when dataSeries is attached to secondary x-axis.
  2. In few cases, axis ticks were getting skipped along with axis labels instead of just skipping labels.
  3. Chart Bounds was not getting updated after chart-resize.
  4. Error was being thrown whenever chart had only one datapoint with label & labelWrap set to true.


Our special thanks to Neil Delvin, Srini Sankaran, Nakano Saki, Tyler Fryman, xavcactus for reporting these bugs.

We humbly thank every users for trusting us & for providing valuable feedbacks. Your feedback is essential for us to keep improving the product.

Please download the latest version from our download page and let us know your feedback.

Thank You,
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS