In the previous jsfiddle labels were being shown to the end of the quarter, however you can change that behavior to show in the beginning of every quarter by changing interval according to your requirement. Please take a look at this updated jsfiddle.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Events are not being captured in toolTip. So overriding style to toolTip class should work fine in your case. Please try adding following CSS.
.canvasjs-chart-tooltip, .canvasjs-chart-tooltip > *{
pointer-events: auto !important;
-webkit-user-select: auto !important; /* Safari 3.1+ */
-moz-user-select: auto !important; /* Firefox 2+ */
-ms-user-select: auto !important; /* IE 10+ */
user-select: auto !important; /* Standard syntax */
Also please take a look at mouseover event handler function where you can get dataSeries, dataPoints, etc values just by hovering on dataPoint.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Are you looking for adding hyperlink in toolTip? If so, you can do that using toolTipContent as shown in the second example in toolTip page.
If this doesn’t solve your requirement, can you kindly create jsfiddle along with sample data, so that we can understand it better and help you out?
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Arun Kumar,
Can you kindly brief more about your requirement, so that we can understand it better and help you out!
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
You can use stripLines to achieve this. Please take a look at this jsfiddle.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Changing width & height of the chart before exporting it and resetting it back should work fine in your case. Please take a look at this jsfiddle.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
By giving some delay after first render of chart with animation and rendering it again along with adding shadow should work fine in this scenario. However its not possible to animate chart along with shadow. Please take a look at this updated jsfiddle.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Can you kindly brief us the behavior you are expecting along with the use-case, so that we can understand it better and help you out?
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
We don’t have plans on supporting dashtypes in legends as of now. But we will consider it for future releases.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Thanks for the suggestion. This feature is not there in our roadmap as of now but I will discuss this feature with the team & get back to you at the earliest.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
We are not accepting custom-development at this point of time. However without legendLineDashType property also you can achieve the same as shown in this jsfiddle.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
You can set dataPoint color based on the the dataPoint value, whether its rising or falling. Please check this jsfiddle for an example.
function changeBorderColor(chart){
var dataSeries;
for( var i = 0; i < chart.options.data.length; i++){
dataSeries = chart.options.data[i];
for(var j = 0; j < dataSeries.dataPoints.length; j++){
dataSeries.dataPoints[j].color = (dataSeries.dataPoints[j].y[0] <= dataSeries.dataPoints[j].y[3]) ? (dataSeries.risingColor ? dataSeries.risingColor : dataSeries.color) : (dataSeries.fallingColor ? dataSeries.fallingColor : dataSeries.color);
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS