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avoid zoom during swipe

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  • #19709

    I’ve a canvas with width=100%. Very often when I try to scroll the page on mobile by doing a vertical swipe then the chart zooms (because sometimes the swipe is not perfectly vertical).

    Would id be possible to avoid zooming while doing vertical swiping? to zoom usualy we make horizontal swiping.

    in graph option I’ve:

    zoomEnabled: true,
    zoomType: “x”,


    sorry, please close this post. This issue seems to not happen with latest 2.01 GA release



    Whenever you move finger / pointer on the chart, the chart has to know if you are trying to scroll or interact with the chart. Hence we have implemented a behavior where if you hold the finger for a while on the chart, it captures the event and doesn’t scroll. On the other hand, if you move pointer / finger quickly without pausing, it allows you to scroll the page and chart won’t zoom / pan. Can you try as mentioned above and let us know your feedback!?

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    Hi Vishwas,
    yes it works as expected. Did you put some fix in the last version? in the past I remember it was working less well.

    Thank you!



    Yes, we have improved this behavior in v2.0.1.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    The problem for me persists only with horizontal swipe that has the same gesture of x-zoom

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