Example shows Angular Chart with Logarithmic Axis which is a non-linear scale used to plot exponential values.
/* app.component.ts */ import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { RouterOutlet } from '@angular/router'; import { CanvasJSAngularChartsModule } from '@canvasjs/angular-charts'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', standalone: true, imports: [CommonModule, RouterOutlet, CanvasJSAngularChartsModule], templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { step:number = Math.pow(10, .05); chartOptions = { zoomEnabled: true, zoomType: "xy", exportEnabled: true, theme: "light2", title: { text: "Frequency Response of Low Pass Filters" }, subtitles:[{ text: "X Axis scale is Logarithmic", fontSize: 14 }], axisX: { logarithmic: true, title: "Frequency \u03C9(rad/s)", minimum: .01, suffix: "\u03C9\u2099", stripLines: [{ value: 1, label: "Cutoff Frequency", labelFontColor: "#808080", labelAlign: "near" }] }, axisY: { title: "Type 1 Magnitude (db)", lineThickness: 1, lineColor: "#6D78AD", tickColor: "#6D78AD", titleFontColor: "#6D78AD", labelFontColor: "#6D78AD" }, axisY2: { title: "Type 2 Magnitude (db)", lineThickness: 1, lineColor: "#51CDA0", tickColor: "#51CDA0", titleFontColor: "#51CDA0", labelFontColor: "#51CDA0" }, toolTip: { shared: true }, legend:{ cursor:"pointer", itemclick: function(e:any) { if (typeof(e.dataSeries.visible) === "undefined" || e.dataSeries.visible) { e.dataSeries.visible = false; } else{ e.dataSeries.visible = true; } e.chart.render(); } }, data: [{ type: "line", name: "Type 1 Filter", showInLegend: true, yValueFormatString: "#,##0.00 db", xValueFormatString: "\u03C9 = #,##0.00#\u03C9\u2099", dataPoints: this.type1DataPoints(this.step) }, { type: "line", name: "Type 2 Filter", color: "#51CDA0", showInLegend: true, axisYType: "secondary", yValueFormatString: "#,##0.00 db", xValueFormatString: "\u03C9 = #,##0.00#\u03C9\u2099", dataPoints: this.type2DataPoints(.02, this.step) }] } type1DataPoints(step:any){ var dataPoints = []; var h; for(var w = .01; w < 100 ; w *= step){ h = -5 * Math.log(w*w + 1); dataPoints.push({x: w, y: h}); } return dataPoints } type2DataPoints(e:any, step:any){ var dataPoints = []; var h; for(var w = .01; w < 100 ; w *= step){ h = -5 * Math.log(Math.pow((1 - w*w), 2) + 4 *e*e*w*w); dataPoints.push({x: w, y: h}); } return dataPoints; } }
Axis scale can be changed to logarithmic by setting logarithmic property to true. You can also change the logarithmic base by setting logarithmBase property. Some other commonly used customization options are interval, reversed, etc.
Note For step by step instructions, follow our Angular Integration Tutorial