Example of a JavaScript Drilldown Chart using CanvasJS. Drilldown functionality in Chart is used to explore data in more depth to reveal additional details. Drilldown feature can easily be implemented in CanvasJS Library and is supported in all chart types including Bar, Pie, Doughnut, Column, Funnel, etc. Below Doughnut chart with Drilldown functionality includes HTML / JavaScript source code for chart that you can edit in-browser or save to run locally.
window.onload = function () { var totalVisitors = 883000; var visitorsData = { "New vs Returning Visitors": [{ click: visitorsChartDrilldownHandler, cursor: "pointer", explodeOnClick: false, innerRadius: "75%", legendMarkerType: "square", name: "New vs Returning Visitors", radius: "100%", showInLegend: true, startAngle: 90, type: "doughnut", dataPoints: [ { y: 519960, name: "New Visitors", color: "#E7823A" }, { y: 363040, name: "Returning Visitors", color: "#546BC1" } ] }], "New Visitors": [{ color: "#E7823A", name: "New Visitors", type: "column", dataPoints: [ { x: new Date("1 Jan 2015"), y: 33000 }, { x: new Date("1 Feb 2015"), y: 35960 }, { x: new Date("1 Mar 2015"), y: 42160 }, { x: new Date("1 Apr 2015"), y: 42240 }, { x: new Date("1 May 2015"), y: 43200 }, { x: new Date("1 Jun 2015"), y: 40600 }, { x: new Date("1 Jul 2015"), y: 42560 }, { x: new Date("1 Aug 2015"), y: 44280 }, { x: new Date("1 Sep 2015"), y: 44800 }, { x: new Date("1 Oct 2015"), y: 48720 }, { x: new Date("1 Nov 2015"), y: 50840 }, { x: new Date("1 Dec 2015"), y: 51600 } ] }], "Returning Visitors": [{ color: "#546BC1", name: "Returning Visitors", type: "column", dataPoints: [ { x: new Date("1 Jan 2015"), y: 22000 }, { x: new Date("1 Feb 2015"), y: 26040 }, { x: new Date("1 Mar 2015"), y: 25840 }, { x: new Date("1 Apr 2015"), y: 23760 }, { x: new Date("1 May 2015"), y: 28800 }, { x: new Date("1 Jun 2015"), y: 29400 }, { x: new Date("1 Jul 2015"), y: 33440 }, { x: new Date("1 Aug 2015"), y: 37720 }, { x: new Date("1 Sep 2015"), y: 35200 }, { x: new Date("1 Oct 2015"), y: 35280 }, { x: new Date("1 Nov 2015"), y: 31160 }, { x: new Date("1 Dec 2015"), y: 34400 } ] }] }; var newVSReturningVisitorsOptions = { animationEnabled: true, theme: "light2", title: { text: "New VS Returning Visitors" }, subtitles: [{ text: "Click on Any Segment to Drilldown", backgroundColor: "#2eacd1", fontSize: 16, fontColor: "white", padding: 5 }], legend: { fontFamily: "calibri", fontSize: 14, itemTextFormatter: function (e) { return e.dataPoint.name + ": " + Math.round(e.dataPoint.y / totalVisitors * 100) + "%"; } }, data: [] }; var visitorsDrilldownedChartOptions = { animationEnabled: true, theme: "light2", axisX: { labelFontColor: "#717171", lineColor: "#a2a2a2", tickColor: "#a2a2a2" }, axisY: { gridThickness: 0, includeZero: false, labelFontColor: "#717171", lineColor: "#a2a2a2", tickColor: "#a2a2a2", lineThickness: 1 }, data: [] }; var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", newVSReturningVisitorsOptions); chart.options.data = visitorsData["New vs Returning Visitors"]; chart.render(); function visitorsChartDrilldownHandler(e) { chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", visitorsDrilldownedChartOptions); chart.options.data = visitorsData[e.dataPoint.name]; chart.options.title = { text: e.dataPoint.name } chart.render(); $("#backButton").toggleClass("invisible"); } $("#backButton").click(function() { $(this).toggleClass("invisible"); chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", newVSReturningVisitorsOptions); chart.options.data = visitorsData["New vs Returning Visitors"]; chart.render(); }); }
You can change the color of dataSeries using color property. The radius and innerRadius of Doughnut chart can also be customized. Some other common customizations include startAngle, indexLabel, etc.