To display numbers after decimal point in the axis labels, you can use valueFormatString. Also, if you are looking to format the values in the tooltip, you can use yValueFormatString.
If you are still facing the issue, can you kindly share the pictorial representation of your requirement so that we can understand your scenario better and help you out?
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
Can you kindly brief us more about your requirements, the format in which you would like to show the labels (9.0, 9.2, 9.4,…, 10 or 9, 10, 11,…) so that we can understand your scenario better and help you out?
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
You can set valueFormatString: "#0.0"
to show 1 decimal value in the axis labels. Please refer to our documentation page for more customization options available.
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
The tooltip of the charts within StockChart are synced based on x-values by default. In order to sync tooltip based on nearest x-values, you can find the nearest x-values and show tooltip on the other charts using showAt method of toolTip. Please take a look at the code snippet below.
function getNearestXValues(xVal, dps1) {
return [].concat(dps1).sort(function(a, b) {
var diffA = Math.abs(xVal - a.x);
var diffB = Math.abs(xVal - b.x);
return diffA - diffB; // sort a before b when the distance is smaller
function showTooltip(e) {
for( var i = 0; i < stockChart.charts.length; i++){
if(stockChart.charts[i] != e.chart) {
stockChart.charts[i].toolTip.showAtX(getNearestXValues(e.entries[0].xValue, stockChart.charts[i].data[0].dataPoints));
Also, check out this updated JSFiddle for complete working code.
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
It seem to be working fine, attaching screenshot for your reference.
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
Since you are passing border width as 1.5px for the rows, there is some round off issue which results in misalignment with chart gridlines. Passing integer value to border-width and height to row seems to align properly with chart gridlines.
.row-with-border {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
height: 22px;
.row-with-border:last-child {
border-bottom-width: 1px;
height: 23px;
Also, check out this updated sample project for complete working code.
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
The project shared above seems to have some issue with dependency package when we tried to run at our end. Can you kindly create sample project along with the node_modules and share it with us over Google-Drive or Onedrive so that we can run it locally at our end, understand the scenario better and help you out?
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
Indexlabels are shown even when the datapoint range are partially outside the viewport region in case of range bar charts and it seems to be working fine.
Can you kindly create JSFiddle reproducing the issue you are facing and share it with us so that we can reproduce the issue at our end, understand the scenario better and help you out?
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
Indexlabels are rendered on top of stripline by default. However, when showOnTop property of stripline is set to true, stripline gets rendered on top of every other element including indexlabel. In order to view the indexlabel clearly in your scenario, you can set the indexLabelBackgroundColor to the chart background color. Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example on the same.
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
The code shared above seems to be working fine. Please take a look at this StackBlitz project for the same.
Can you kindly create a sample project reproducing the issue either in StackBlitz or locally & share it with us over Google-Drive or Onedrive. Also, kindly brief us more about the issue you are facing along with the version of CanvasJS StockChart that you are using so that we can understand the scenario better and help you out.
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
Legends are generally shown in dataseries level except pie, donut, funnel & pyramid charts. However, you can add dummy dataseries to achieve your requirement. Please take a look at this updated sample project.
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
If you are looking to pass variable from PHP to JS, please refer to this page. If this doesn’t meet your requirement, kindly brief us further about your requirement so that we can understand your scenario better and help you out with an appropriate solution.
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
You can get the chart toolbar reference using document.getElementsByClassName("canvasjs-chart-toolbar")[0]
. You can add extra options like ‘Export as PDF’ or pass url under it to the obtained toolbar reference. Also, please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example where “Export as CSV” feature is added to the toolbar.
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS
You can check if tooltip is shown for overlapped datapoint using updated event of toolTip and show the tooltip for scatter series when it overlaps with the help of showAtX method. Please take a look at the code snippet below for the same.
toolTip: {
updated: function(e) {
var dp = false;
// skip the check if tooltip is shown for scatter series
if(e.entries.length == 1 && e.entries[0].dataSeriesIndex == 0 ) {
dp = overlappedScatterSeriesDatapoint(e.entries[0].dataPoint, e.entries[0].dataPointIndex);
if(dp) {
stockChart.charts[0].toolTip.showAtX(dp.x, 1);
function overlappedScatterSeriesDatapoint(dataPoint, index) {
var radius = stockChart.charts[0].data[1].get("markerSize") / 2;
var currentX = stockChart.charts[0].axisX[0].convertValueToPixel(dataPoint.x);
var currentY = stockChart.charts[0].axisY[0].convertValueToPixel(dataPoint.y);
for (var i=0; i<stockChart.charts[0].data[1].dataPoints.length; i++) {
var dpX = stockChart.charts[0].axisX[0].convertValueToPixel(stockChart.charts[0].data[1].dataPoints[i].x)
var dpY = stockChart.charts[0].axisY[0].convertValueToPixel(stockChart.charts[0].data[1].dataPoints[i].y)
var distance = Math.sqrt((currentX - dpX) * (currentX - dpX) + (currentY - dpY) * (currentY - dpY));
// Check if tooltip is shown for datapoints overlapped with scatter data series
if(distance <= radius) {
return stockChart.charts[0].data[1].dataPoints[i]
return false;
Also, check out this JSFiddle for complete working code.
Manoj Mohan
Team CanvasJS