CanvasJS v1.9.9 GA Released
Today we are releasing 1.9.9 GA with few bug fixes. Below is a summary of the release. Bug Fixes: In Line Chart, nullDataLineDashType was not working as expected in some cases. In few cases, Chart was throwing error when no dataPoints were present. When multiple secondary axisX were used, axis titles were not positioned
CanvasJS v1.9.8.1 goes GA
Today we are releasing GA with a new feature and few bug fixes. Below is a summary of the release. New Features destroy method has been added which allows you to clear the memory allocated for charts in the browser. Bug Fix: indexLabels were not positioned correctly in stackedArea100 charts. In case
CanvasJS v1.9.8 GA Released
Today we are releasing 1.9.8 GA with a few bug fixes. Below is a summary of the release. Bug Fix: CanvasJS.formatNumber method was not accurate in few cases of exponential formatString. Animation was not happening properly in case of Bar Chart along Secondary X-Axis. stackedArea Chart was throwing error when non-aligned x-values were present.
CanvasJS v1.9.7 GA Released
Today we are releasing 1.9.7 GA with a few bug fixes. Below is a summary of the release. Bug Fix: addTo() method was throwing error for secondary axes. In few cases of exponential values, valueFormatString was not formatting values as expected. Do download the latest version from our download page and let us
CanvasJS v1.9.6 goes GA
Today we are releasing 1.9.6 GA. Below is a summary of this release. Highlight of Version 1.9.6 New Methods and Properties have been added which allows you to programmatically export chart as image, print chart, access internally calculated values, etc. You can also access Chart Elements like Title, Axis, DataSeries, ToolTip, Legend, etc using
CanvasJS v1.9.6 with new Methods & Properties
Today we are releasing 1.9.6 Beta 1 with new set of Methods and Properties. This allows you to programmatically export chart as image, print chart, access internally calculated values, etc. Below is a summary of this release. New Features & Enhancement New Methods and Properties have been added which allows you to programmatically export chart
CanvasJS v1.9.5.1 released
Today we are releasing GA with a few bug fixes. Below is a summary of the release. Bug Fixes axisY range was not updated properly when zooming along axisX. When multiple axisX were used with different value-types (numeric & dataTime), valueFormatString was not accepted properly. Issue in rendering chart with empty dataPoints array
Feature Roundup – All Major Updates in CanvasJS Charts
Last one year has been very good for us in terms of number of users/companies adopting our charts including several Fortune 100 Companies. We were also featured on ProductHunt. Many of our customers are impressed with the performance and ease of using CanvasJS Charts – this is what we have been striving for since the
CanvasJS v1.9.5 goes GA
Today we are releasing 1.9.5 GA. Below is a summary of this release. New Features labelBackgroundColor has been added to set background color to axis labels. Highlight of Version 1.9.5 Secondary X Axis which renders on the opposite side of Primary X Axis (axisX). Support for Multiple X axis which allow you to
CanvasJS v1.9.5 with Multiple X / Y Axis Support
Today we are releasing 1.9.5 Beta 1 with the most requested feature, multiple axes and a few bug fixes. Below is a summary of this release. New Features & Enhancement Secondary X Axis which renders on the opposite side of Primary X Axis (axisX). Multiple Y axis which allows you to render Multiple
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