Syncing Crosshair seems to be working fine in Angular aswell. Please take a look at this Sample Project for the same.
Kindly share sample project reproducing the issue you are facing so that we can look into your code, understand the scenario better and help you resolve it.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Syncing crosshair across charts seems to be working fine and we are trying to reproduce the same in Angular 6. Meanwhile, can you kindly create sample project reproducing the issue you are facing and share it with us over Google-Drive or Onedrive, so that we can run it at our end, understand the issue you are facing and help you resolve it?
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
a) Blank chart.
b) Using Ajax, get data and display on the chart.
c) Get more data from server as in b).
Please refer documentation on Live Updating Charts from JSON API & AJAX for step-to-step tutorial on rendering chart with data from server through AJAX call.
Allow data then to be zoomed.
Setting zoomEnabled property to true lets user zoom / pan the chart even in Live Charts.
Allow user to click on chart to create an event so I can see the position the user clicked at.
If you mean clicking on any dataPoint, please refer documentation on click event. Or if you like to click anywhere on the chart, you can bind click event to the chart-container and get to know the position of click. Please take a look at this JSFiddle which shows adding new dataPoint based on user clicked position.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Do you mean JSON format of the data that you receive is in different format as [{months: “Jan”, total: 70},…]. If so, parsing it to the format accepted by CanvasJS before passing it to chart-options should work fine in your case. Please take a look at this JSFiddle.
If this doesn’t solve your requirement, kindly create sample project reproducing the issue you are facing, upload it to Google-Drive / Onedrive and share it with us so that we can run the project at our end, understand the scenario better and help you resolve it.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Can you kindly create sample project reproducing the issue you are facing, upload it to Google-Drive / Onedrive and share it with us so that we can run the project at our end, understand the scenario better and help you resolve the issue?
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Trial Version is for evaluation purposes for 30 days which comes with ‘Trial Version’ watermark and ‘CanvasJS’ credit link. To use charts without ‘Trial Version’ and ‘CanvasJS’ Credit Link you will need to have a Commercial Version of CanvasJS. Please checkout License Page for more info & contact sales@canvasjs.com for sales related queries.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Datapoint gets enlarged when a dataPoint is highlighted (incase of scatter, line, bubble, etc). You can set highlightEnabled to false to disable highlighting of a dataPoint on hovering the mouse.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
You can resize the chart by changing the height of the chart on resizing the panel as shown in this JSFiddle.
For faster response, fork out our template jsfiddle reproducing the issue you are facing. Having a jsfiddle helps us in figuring out the issue and many a times we can just edit your code on jsfiddle to fix the issue right-away. Please refer this thread for more info.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Please take a look at this JSFiddle which shows stripLine being updated and rendered at a static position in a dynamic chart.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Datapoint x-value can either be numeric or date object, but you seems to be passing string – which is not supported. Either changing it to date-object or passing it as label should work fine in your case. Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
You can add as many striplines as you want by adding new object with value to stripLines array. Please refer documentation on stripLines for more info / customization options available.
Here is a code snippet that would help you add 3 stripLines over axisY:
stripLines: [{
value: 3366500,
label: "Average"
value: 7289000,
label: "High"
value: 1613000,
label: "Low"
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Can you kindly create sample project with sample data reproducing the issue and share it to us over Google-Drive or Onedrive, which helps us run your code at our end, understand the issue you are facing and help you with a solution?
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS