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Hello, I need to point values in datapoint to different name in my class. for example dataPoints: [ { label: “Jan 2015”, y: 325799 }, { label: “Feb 2015”, y: 401837 }, { label: “Mar 2015”, y: 482323 }, { label: “Apr 2015”, y: 332063 }, { label: “May 2015”, y: 387684 }, { label: “Jun 2015”, y: 476797 }
] I need to point these values for ( label, y ) to different name in my class, lets say ( label -> Months , y -> total ). How can I do that ? I am using mvc.
Do you mean JSON format of the data that you receive is in different format as [{months: “Jan”, total: 70},…]. If so, parsing it to the format accepted by CanvasJS before passing it to chart-options should work fine in your case. Please take a look at this JSFiddle.
If this doesn’t solve your requirement, kindly create sample project reproducing the issue you are facing, upload it to Google-Drive / Onedrive and share it with us so that we can run the project at our end, understand the scenario better and help you resolve it.
— Vishwas R Team CanvasJS
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