Forum Replies Created by Vishwas R

Viewing 15 posts - 1,501 through 1,515 (of 1,614 total)
  • in reply to: Save as JPG,PNG error in Chrome #11726


    We are unable to reproduce the issue as the parameters passed to function are not known. Can you please create a jsfiddle with the issue, so that we can look into it and help you in resolving?

    in reply to: Something wrong about the stackedArea and the div display #11718


    In stacked charts, dataPoints for each series are stacked one on top of the other. You can use area chart to show “Second Quarter” data independent of “First Quarter” data.

    CanvasJS Area Chart

    in reply to: Mysql timestamp convert string to number. #11717


    Including jquery will solve the issue, as $(document).ready is used. Or you can use window.onload event.

    Check this jsfiddle for working code.

    in reply to: Mysql timestamp convert string to number. #11709


    You can store the received JSON data in a variable, parse it to the format CanvasJS accepts and pass it to chart data. Here is an example.

    in reply to: Overlapping of strip line label #11708


    When stripLines are placed too closer, you can change the position of stripline-label far/center/near the axis so as to avoid overlapping using labelAlign property, which defaults to ‘far’. Here is an example.

    in reply to: Not every label in x-axis is displayed #11676


    We observe that the labels are shown for every dataPoints.
    Chart with Labels shown for all dataPoints

    If there are more number of dataPoints, its better not to show every labels, which can be controlled by setting interval, and show few to make it look better or by increasing the chart width, labels get more space and can be shown better.

    Suggestion: Compared to labelAngle: 90, setting it to -45 makes it much readable. Check this JSFiddle.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Line Graph Bugs #11673

    Please check the updated jsfiddle with working script(which you have named it as proj4.js).

    in reply to: Line Graph Bugs #11669

    d3.csv is an asynchronous method, where the code inside the callback function will run when the data is loaded whereas code outside the callback function will run immediately after the request is made, when the data is not yet available. Because of this the chart was rendered with no data but title and legend. When you resize, chart will be re-rendered, data would be updated from csv by then.

    d3.csv execution:

    d3.csv("path/to/file.csv", function(rows) {

    For more info refer stackoverflow.

    Here is your working code. (Note:CSV and function related to checkbox-Abby has been updated and working fine, kindly follow same for other checkboxes aswell. proj4.js file has been saved and linked from codepen).

    in reply to: store charts in external js file #11665

    You can store the complete chart as a function in external JS file. Load that JS file and call the function in multiple HTML pages where you like to show chart. Check this example.

    in reply to: how to create Multiple Charts on page #11655

    We are unable to know the issue just by looking at the screenshots, it would help us resolve issue if we look into the code. Can you please create a jsfiddle, so that we can look into it and help you out?

    in reply to: Data Click Browser Issue(IE) #11647


    Click event seems to be working fine across all browsers including Microsoft Edge.
    Data-Click Event

    Data-Click Event

    If you still find the issue, please create a jsfiddle and provide the browser version detail, so that we can look into the issue and resolve it.

    in reply to: Reduce animation initial delay #11625


    We were unable to observe any delay in chart load. Can you please create a jsfiddle, so that we can look in to it and help you out?

    in reply to: Legends to Line Graph? #11588

    You need to set showInLegend: true to enable legends, which defaults to false. Here is the working jsfiddle.

    in reply to: place axis x up #11579


    We have just released v1.9.5 Beta with Multiple Y axis & Secondary X axis support. Please refer to the release blog for more information.


    We have just released v1.8.5 Beta-1 which supports axis-reversal. Please refer to the release blog for more information.

    in reply to: Reverse Y axis #11578


    We have just released v1.8.5 Beta-1 which supports axis-reversal. Please refer to the release blog for more information.

Viewing 15 posts - 1,501 through 1,515 (of 1,614 total)