Monthly Archives: May 2024

CanvasJS Chart v3.8.8 & StockChart v1.8.8 GA Released

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Today we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.8.8 & StockChart v1.8.8 GA with a few bug fixes related to legend, startValue, endValue, selectedRangeButtonIndex, etc. Below is a summary of this release.   Chart Release Update     Bug Fixes Default values of showInLegend & legendText were returned as null when accessed via get method.   StockChart

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CanvasJS Chart v3.8.7 & StockChart v1.8.7 GA Released

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Today we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.8.7 & StockChart v1.8.7 GA with a few bug fixes related to tooltip, axisY labels in StockChart, etc. Below is a summary of this release.   Chart Release Update     Bug Fixes explodeOnClick & valueRepresents were returning null when accessed via get method. In some cases, tooltip was

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CanvasJS Chart v3.8.6 & StockChart v1.8.6 GA Released

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Today we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.8.6 & StockChart v1.8.6 GA with a few bug fixes related to tooltip updated event & StockChart. Below is a summary of this release.   Chart Release Update     Bug Fixes Tooltip updated event was getting fired even when tooltip was disabled. This was causing issue in some

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CanvasJS Chart v3.8.5 & StockChart v1.8.5 GA Released

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Today we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.8.5 & StockChart v1.8.5 GA with a few bug fixes related to toolbar, navigator & slider. Below is a summary of this release.   Chart Release Update     Bug Fixes In some cases, toolbar icons (zoom/pan, reset buttons & export menu) seemed to be disappearing on re-rendering the

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