Today we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.4 & StockChart v1.4 Beta 1 with a few features. Below is a summary of this release.


Release Update (Chart & StockChart)

JavaScript Chart Toolbar


New Features & Enhancement

  1. toolbar object – lets you customize look & feel of toolbar options (zoom/pan button, reset button, export-menu & export-options).
  2. itemBackgroundColor – lets you customize the background color of toolbar options.
  3. itemBackgroundColorOnHover – lets you customize the background color of toolbar option on mouseover.
  4. buttonBorderColor – lets you customize the border color of buttons in the toolbar.
  5. buttonBorderThickness – lets you customize the border-thickness of buttons in the toolbar.
  6. fontColor – lets you customize the font color of text within toolbar.
  7. fontColorOnHover – lets you customize the font color of text within toolbar on mouseover.
  8. toolbar.get() – Getter method for toolbar properties.
  9. toolbar.set() – Setter method for toolbar properties.


Do download the latest version from our download page and let us know your feedback.

Thank You,
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS