Example shows Vuejs chart with multiple axes. Multiple axes are used to show dataseries (datasets) with different range of values within a single chart.
/* App.vue */ <script> export default { data() { return { chart: null, options: { animationEnabled: true, exportEnabled: true, title:{ text: "Revenue by Number of New Customers" }, axisY: { maximum: 1000, title: "New Customers", titleFontColor: "#47acb1", labelFontColor: "#47acb1", lineColor: "#47acb1", tickColor: "#47acb1", gridColor: "#d3d3d3" }, axisY2: { maximum: 500000, title: "Revenue", valueFormatString: "$#,##0.##", titleFontColor: "#f07113", labelFontColor: "#f07113", lineColor: "#f07113", tickColor: "#f07113" }, toolTip: { shared: true }, data: [{ type: "column", name: "No of New Customers", color: "#47acb1", dataPoints: [ { label: "Jan", y: 30 }, { label: "Feb", y: 70 }, { label: "Mar", y: 81 }, { label: "Apr", y: 93 }, { label: "May", y: 104 }, { label: "Jun", y: 97 }, { label: "Jul", y: 170 }, { label: "Aug", y: 190 }, { label: "Sep", y: 350 }, { label: "Oct", y: 410 }, { label: "Nov", y: 485 }, { label: "Dec", y: 550 } ] },{ type: "line", axisYType: "secondary", name: "Revenue", color: "#f07113", dataPoints: [ { label: "Jan", y: 100000 }, { label: "Feb", y: 142000 }, { label: "Mar", y: 165000}, { label: "Apr", y: 198000 }, { label: "May", y: 164000 }, { label: "Jun", y: 151000 }, { label: "Jul", y: 172000 }, { label: "Aug", y: 235000 }, { label: "Sep", y: 246000 }, { label: "Oct", y: 275000 }, { label: "Nov", y: 310000 }, { label: "Dec", y: 345000 } ] }] }, styleOptions: { width: "100%", height: "360px" } } }, methods: { chartInstance(chart) { this.chart = chart; } } } </script> <template> <CanvasJSChart :options="options" :style="styleOptions" @chart-ref="chartInstance"/> </template>
/*main.js*/ import { createApp } from 'vue' import App from './App.vue' import CanvasJSChart from '@canvasjs/vue-charts'; const app = createApp(App); app.use(CanvasJSChart); // install the CanvasJS Vuejs Chart Plugin app.mount('#app');
In the above example color of axis title, labels, line & ticks are changed by setting titleFontColor, labelFontColor, lineColor & tickColor properties respectively.