Vuejs Range Charts are drawn between a range of values - low & high. Hence the datapoints are floating & not fixed to the axis. Range Charts include Range Column, Range Bar, Range Area & Range Spline Area Charts. In multi series range column/bar charts, datapoints from different series are placed next to one another and are differentiated by their series color. In case of range area, they overlap each other based on their value. In case of Range Bar Charts, x & y axis are swapped, i.e. x-axis is vertical & y-axis is horizontal.
Range Column Charts are also called as Floating Column Chart as columns are floating & not attached to axis.
Range Bar Charts are similar to range column except that position of x & y axis are swapped.
Range Area Chart is same as Area Chart except that it’s area is plotting between a given range of values.
Range Spline Area Chart is same as Range Area Chart except that it uses a smooth curve for envelope.
Most commonly used features in Vuejs Range Charts include color, opacity, beveling the bars, index / data-labels, etc.