Forum Replies Created by Vishwas R

Viewing 15 posts - 1,396 through 1,410 (of 1,615 total)
  • in reply to: Support standard normal distribution chaer? #13621

    You can use spline chart to show normal-distribution chart. Please check this jsfiddle.

    in reply to: Canvas js export enable not working on android device #13620

    There is no Download Manager in webview that you have created, so you need to handle the download functionality manually. There are 2 ways to download a file from webview.

    1.Using Android Download Manager

    2.Using web browser opened from webview (which internally uses Android Download Manager)

    Refer this thread for more info.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Canvas js export enable not working on android device #13614

    Thanks for the information. We will look into this and get back to you at the earliest.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Y-axis not adapting any more when zooming #13610


    We have just released v1.9.5.1 with this bug fix. Please refer to the release blog for more information.

    Please download the latest version and let us know your feedback.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Multiple X Axis and dateTime format #13609


    We have just released v1.9.5.1 with this bug fix. Please refer to the release blog for more information.

    Please download the latest version and let us know your feedback.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Cannot read property 'textBlock' of undefined #13608


    We have just released v1.9.5.1 with this bug fix. Please refer to the release blog for more information.

    Please download the latest version and let us know your feedback.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: How should I create this bar chart? [pic] #13589


    We don’t have date-time support for axisY, as of now. But with the help of labelFormatter and dynamic data you can achieve your requirement. Please check this JSFiddle.

    in reply to: Cannot read property 'textBlock' of undefined #13588


    We will be releasing the resolved one in couple of days.

    in reply to: StackedColumns Bug #13587


    It’s not a bug. Conceptually, a Stacked Chart is supposed to Stack Data Points from multiple Series and if any/all series don’t have Data Points at a certain point, it is not possible to stack them. i.e. When null values are used, it is not possible to stack them and the results are unpredictable. So its recommended to use zero instead of null.

    in reply to: Several Issues and Questions #13574


    We are looking into these things. We will get back to you at the earliest.

    in reply to: How should I create this bar chart? [pic] #13573


    Are you looking to move/slide legends (On Phone, Off Phone, Break in the image you have attached) or the entire dataSeries within the chart?

    in reply to: Canvas js export enable not working on android device #13572

    We are unable to reproduce the issue in major browsers like Chrome, Opera, Firefox. Can you kindly provide us the information like android version, browser and its version so that we can look into it and help you out.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: Several Issues and Questions #13558

    * It is very difficult to click legend labels on a phone to toggle them (Galaxy S7 Edge). It works fine on PC, but only works on phone if I tap over and over and happen to hit the right spot.

    Legends in mobile devices are small and depends on the chart size. It depends whether you clicked on the legend or not. You can set legend fontSize to increase legend marker(which depends on dataSeries.markerSize).

    * When two lines overlap (for example, both values equal 3 for a length of time), it shows the higher index line, but the tooltip shows the lower index lines value and marker. This may be as designed, and may actually be the correct way, so you can see the data for the line underneath, but it was confusing; I was on the blue line but it was showing me values for the (invisible) red line.

    Its as per design. You can use toolTip.shared to have a shared tooltip and to highlight all the markers at that point.

    * The legend shows squares (but not circles) when the markers are not visible on the chart. If I put a lot of readings on one chart, the marker do not show on the chart and the legend markers (in series 0-3) correctly show lines instead of circles, but series 4-5 are set to square and they still show as squares in the legend.

    Can you please create a jsfiddle for this?

    * It sometimes counts a reading off the left edge of the canvas in the viewportMinumum when zooming. This makes it hard to reliably put the displayed date range in a subtitle.

    Can you kindly brief more about this or create a jsfiddle.

    * This locks up in chart.render() and I have to restart browser:
    minimum: new Date(2016, 10,23)
    maximum: new Date(2016, 10,24)
    interval: 10

    intervalType is ‘number’ by default. When you are using dateTime kindly set intervalType based on your requirement(minute or hour or month etc).

    * Unused mouse/touch events don’t pass through on non-interactive areas. If there is a chart that takes up the whole phone screen, there is no way to scroll because the chart is apparently eating the events. Maybe I have missed something here.

    Whenever you move finger / pointer on the chart, the chart has to know if you are trying to scroll or interact with the chart. Hence we have implemented a behavior where if you hold the finger for a while on the chart, it captures the event and doesn’t scroll. On the other hand, if you move pointer / finger quickly without pausing, it allows you to scroll. Can you try as mentioned above and let us know?

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS

    in reply to: X- axis Interval #13554


    You can use viewportMinimum, viewportMaximum and rangeChanging event to change interval based on zoom level. Please check this jsfiddle.

    Vishwas R
    Team CanvasJS


    You can set markerSize to show legendMarker.

Viewing 15 posts - 1,396 through 1,410 (of 1,615 total)