When dataseries gets hidden the corresponding labels of the datapoint also gets hidden because of which it starts showing the x-values of that datapoint.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
You can change the color of any datapoint by setting color property. Please refer documentation for more information along with live example.
You can also have custom color-set in the chart, please refer documentation for more information.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
In gallery example, it accepts x and y-values from database and pass it to chart options as array_push($dataPoints, array("x"=> $row->x, "y"=> $row->y));
. Changing it to accept z-values array_push($dataPoints, array("x"=> $row->x, "y"=> $row->y, "z"=> $row->z));
and changing type to “bubble” should work fine for you.
If you are still facing issue, kindly create sample project reproducing the issue you are facing and share it with us along with sample database over Google-Drive or Onedrive so that we can run it locally at our end, understand the scenario better and help you resolve.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Sorry, combination of line and horizontal bar (bar chart) is not possible as of now. However you can combine vertical bar (column chart) and line chart, please take a look at this example.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Rendering charts (that are hidden initially) after onClick should work fine in this case.
If you are still facing the issue, kindly create JSFiddle reproducing the issue you are facing and share it with us so that we can look into the code, understand the scenario better and help you out.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Please take a look at this Gallery Demo for an example on rendering chart with data from database. You can also download PHP Samples from our download page and try it locally.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Setting valueFormatString to “DD MMMM” will show date and month in axis labels. Please refer documentation page for more customization options.
If this doesn’t fulfill your requirement, kindly create JSFiddle with sample data and share it with us so that we can look into the code, understand the scenario better and help you out.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
We have just released v3.11.0 Beta 1 with axisY labelPadding. Please refer the release blog for more information. Do download the latest version from our download page and let us know your feedback.
Sorry, there is no property to add padding between axis title and labels as of now. However you can achieve this by adding stripLine with transparent label as shown in this JSFiddle.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
When x-values are not provided, it takes default values starting from 0. Due to the default x-values Germany and India are grouped under Germany whose x-values are same (0-Zero). Assigning x-values along with labels should work fine in this case. Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Setting label along with x and y-values should work fine in this case.
Kindly take a look at the code snippet below,
data: [{
type: "spline",
indexLabel: "{x}: {y}",
dataPoints: [
{ x: 10, y: 5, label: "Ten" },
{ x: 20, y: 9, label: "Twenty" },
{ x: 30, y: 17, label: "Thirty" },
{ x: 40, y: 32, label: "Forty" },
{ x: 50, y: 22, label: "Fifty" }
Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example on spline charts with axis labels.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
Chantelle Clayton,
We are unable to reproduce the issue at our end, please take a look at this JSFiddle where legendText and axis labels seems to be working fine with % values aswell. Can you kindly create JSFiddle reproducing the issue and share it with us along with sample data so that we can look into the code, understand the scenario better and help you resolve?
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
The Google Drive link that you have shared seems to be private, can you kindly change the permission so that we can download the sample project, run it locally at our end to understand the scenario better and help you out?
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
You can get the interval of axis with the help of get method and update the same with the help of set method. Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example on the same.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
To dynamically update chart, you need to update chart-options and re-render the chart. Please refer this documentation page for more information on the same. Also take a look at this updated JSFiddle.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
In pie chart, each slice is a dataPoint. Updating entire dataPoints will update all the slices of pie chart. Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS