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Home › Forums › Report Bugs › Different Labels share x value when using multiple plots
Here is my JS-Fiddle: I am using two different plots with labels as x-values. Notice that both Germany and India are displayed as ‘Germany’, event though they are different values.
Is there any solution to this?
Also the remaining dataPoints should be centered over the according label on the x-axis.
When x-values are not provided, it takes default values starting from 0. Due to the default x-values Germany and India are grouped under Germany whose x-values are same (0-Zero). Assigning x-values along with labels should work fine in this case. Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle.
— Vishwas R Team CanvasJS
Thanks for your reply. I tried your solution, which works in this particular case. However, i am using multiple data series and want to be able to toogle each data series on its own. Please take a look at this JsFiddle. Try toggling the dataSeries “Europe”, you will notice that the x-values are still displayed as a numeric value, even though the dataSeries should be hidden.
When dataseries gets hidden the corresponding labels of the datapoint also gets hidden because of which it starts showing the x-values of that datapoint.
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