Please take a look at this sample project for integrating CanvasJS in your Java application(JSP) and using data from the oracle database.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Glad you’ve figured it out :)
You can further simplify the solution by using interval and labelFormatter as shown in this JSFiddle.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Passing date values as a valid JavaScript date-object should also work fine in your case. Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle for the same.
Basically, in JavaScript month index starts from 0(January) and ends at 11(December). For more information please refer to this Stack Overflow page.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Please take a look at this gallery page for an example on creating a drilldown chart. Drilldown chart works across all the chart-types including line, column, pie, etc. Please take a look at this JSFiddle for an example on same with line-chart.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Logarithmic property is supported in all the chart type that contains axis including Line, Spline, Area, Column, Candlestick, etc.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
We have recently changed the default behavior of includeZero to false(from true). Please refer the blog post for more information.
You can set includeZero to true for showing axisY minimum as 0. Please take a look at this updated JSFiddle for the same.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Thanks for reporting the use-case. We are aware of this issue and will be fixing it in upcoming versions.
Considering this thread as a duplicate of Setting navigator slider minimum isn’t working after panning and hence closing the same.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Thanks for reporting the use-case. We are aware of this issue and will be fixing it in upcoming versions.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Can you kindly create updated JSFiddle reproducing your current use-case so that we look into the updated code, understand the scenario better, and help you resolve?
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
The sample project shared above doesn’t contain the sample data. Can you kindly share sample data as a text file and share it with us over Google-Drive or Onedrive so that we can look into the code, run it locally with sample data to understand the scenario better and help you resolve?
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Can you kindly create a sample project reproducing the issue and share it with us over Google-Drive or Onedrive along with the sample data so that we can run the code locally, understand the scenario better and help you out?
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Please take a look at this JSFiddle for achieving your requirement.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
The JSFiddle shared above shows you how to round off the dataPoint value based on the nearest interval. You can use similar apporach to round it to nearest 100s or 1000s as you drag. Please refer this Stack Overflow thread for more information on rounding a value to nearest 100s.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Please take a look at this JSFiddle which shows an example of increasing or decreasing the dataPoint value(while dragging) based on the nearest interval.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS
Sorry, this feature is not available as of now. However, it’s there in our wishlist but there is no definite timeline for it yet.
Shashi Ranjan
Team CanvasJS