Please take a look at this sample which uses ASP.NET and SQL Server for rendering Multi Series Chart.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS
You can use valueFormatString to format label of the Axis Y.
If it doesn’t solve your issue please create a jsfiddle.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS
You can set the width of the dataPoint using dataPointWidth.
Please take a look at this example.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS
You can use rangeArea chart instead of area chart to show filled area even for negative dataPoints as a work-around. Please take a look at this jsfiddle.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS
Please provide a jsfiddle or pictorial representation of your requirement so that we can understand your problem better and help you accordingly.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS
Sorry, this feature is not available as of now. However, you can achieve something similar using this work-around.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS
Please provide a pictorial representation of your requirement so that we can understand your problem better and help you accordingly.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS
You can do this with PHP as well. Since you are using Microsoft SQL Server with PHP, please go through this link to create dynamic web pages using PHP and SQL Server.
And also, download the sample project from this thread for creating chart using PHP and MySQL.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS
Using setInterval() you can call functions at specified intervals. Making the JSON call inside the setInterval() method would fetch the data at a fixed interval of time.
Please take a look at this link for making a JSON call inside setInterval() method.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS
Initializing chart inside window.onload
would work in your case.
Please take a look at this documentation for window.onload.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS
The CanvasJSDate directory contains the FetchDateFromDatabase.aspx, FetchDateFromDatabase.aspx.cs, Web.config, and Web.Debug.config files.
The FetchDateFromDatabase.aspx.cs will have server-side coding in C#(it will extract the dataPoints from the database) and the ASPX contains the page visualization declaration.
Please add these files in visual studio. Then create the database and connect with it.
Indranil Deo,
Team CanvasJS