CanvasJS Chart v3.12.0 & StockChart v1.12.0 Beta 1 Released
Today, we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.12.0 and StockChart v1.12.0 Beta 1, which include several new features related to text-alignment in legend-text, range-buttons & inputfields. Below is a summary of this release. Chart Release Update New Features & Enhancements itemTextAlign – lets you align text in legend. Improved default padding in crosshair
CanvasJS Chart v3.11.0 & StockChart v1.11.0 GA Released
Today, we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.11.0 and StockChart v1.11.0 GA, which include several new features related to padding in axis title, axis labels, stripline labels, crosshair labels, and indexlabels along with a few bug fixes related to axis labels, striplines labels & crosshair labels. Below is a summary of this release. Chart &
CanvasJS Chart v3.11.0 & StockChart v1.11.0 Beta 1 Released
Today, we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.11.0 and StockChart v1.11.0 Beta 1, which include several new features related to padding in axis title, axis labels, stripline labels, crosshair labels, and indexlabels. Below is a summary of this release. Chart & StockChart Release Update New Features & Enhancements titlePadding – lets you set