Today we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.10.1 & StockChart v1.10.1 GA with a few bug fixes related to zoom/pan buttons, inputFields & range-buttons. Below is a summary of this release.


Chart Release Update


Chart Zoom/Pan Text


Bug Fixes

  1. In certain cases, zoom / pan button was updating its title multiple times.


StockChart Release Update


StockChart with Range Selector


Bug Fixes

  1. In certain cases, inputfields and range-buttons were overlapping when exporting was enabled.
  2. In certain cases, width of inputfields & range-buttons was exceeding maxWidth value.
  3. Auto-calculated width of range-button was returning null when accessed via get method.
  4. In certain cases, maximum set in navigator options was getting ignored when stockchart was reset and then re-rendered.


Do download the latest version from our download page and let us know your feedback.

Thank You,
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS