Today we are releasing CanvasJS Chart v3.7.44 & StockChart v1.7.44 GA with a few bug fixes related to tooltip, highlighting & indexlabels. Below is a summary of this release.


Chart Release Update


Pie Chart with Indexlabels


Bug Fixes

  1. In Pie, Doughnut, Funnel, and Pyramid charts, indexLabelMaxWidth was returning null when not set through options.
  2. In some cases, datapoint highlight was not getting cleared when showAt method of crosshair was used and user tried to pan.
  3. Error was thrown in Stacked Charts when x values across the series were not the same.


StockChart Release Update

StockChart with Crosshair & Tooltip


Bug Fixes

  1. Tooltip was getting hidden on re-rendering the stockchart.


Do download the latest version from our download page and let us know your feedback.

Thank You,
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS