Vuejs StockChart plugin comes bundled with elements like navigator & range-selector which lets you control the range of data shown inside viewport of the charts. Library has built-in features to synchronize tooltip & crosshair across all the charts within a StockChart.
<!-- App.vue --> <script> import btcData from "./assets/btcusd2018.json"; export default { data() { var dps1 = [], dps2 = [], dps3 = []; btcData.forEach(data => { dps1.push({ x: new Date(data["date"]), y: [data["open"], data["high"], data["low"], data["close"]] }); dps2.push({ x: new Date(data["date"]), y: data["volume_usd"] }); dps3.push({ x: new Date(data["date"]), y: data["close"] }); }); return { chart: null, options: { theme: "light2", exportEnabled: true, title: { text: "Bitcoin Price & Volume" }, charts: [{ toolTip: { shared: true }, axisX: { lineThickness: 5, tickLength: 0, labelFormatter: function(e) { return ""; } }, axisY: { prefix: "$" }, legend: { verticalAlign: "top" }, data: [{ showInLegend: true, name: "Stock Price (in USD)", yValueFormatString: "$#,###.##", type: "candlestick", dataPoints: dps1 }] }, { height: 100, toolTip: { shared: true }, axisY: { prefix: "$", labelFormatter: this.addSymbols }, legend: { verticalAlign: "top" }, data: [{ showInLegend: true, name: "Volume (BTC/USD)", yValueFormatString: "$#,###.##", dataPoints: dps2 }] }], navigator: { data: [{ dataPoints: dps3 }], slider: { minimum: new Date(2018, 6, 1), maximum: new Date(2018, 8, 1) } } }, styleOptions: { width: "100%", height: "450px" } } }, methods: { addSymbols(e) { var suffixes = ["", "K", "M", "B"]; var order = Math.max(Math.floor(Math.log(Math.abs(e.value)) / Math.log(1000)), 0); if (order > suffixes.length - 1) order = suffixes.length - 1; var suffix = suffixes[order]; return CanvasJS.formatNumber(e.value / Math.pow(1000, order)) + suffix; } } } </script> <template> <CanvasJSStockChart :options="options" :style="styleOptions" /> </template>