Vuejs line chart / plot connects series of points by a line segment. Line Graph is frequently used to show trends & analyze how the data has changed over time. Vuejs chart component supports multiple variants of line charts like Line Chart, Spline Chart & Step-Line Chart. You can easily switch between them just by changing the type property.
Multiple dataseries can also be plotted in a chart to compare the trend between them & they are called multi-series line charts. In case of multi-series line chart, line color, thickness & dash-type can be set in order to distinguish between them. Also, you can enable legends to display the dataseries name.
Line Charts & Graphs are drawn by connecting datapoints by a straight line segment.
Spline Charts connects datapoints with a smooth curve & hence also referred to as Smooth Curved Line Chart.
Step Line Charts form a staircase like shape & hence also referred to as staircase charts.
Most commonly used features in Vuejs Line Chart includes markers, line customization, zooming, panning, etc.
In most of the cases, 100,000+ datapoints can render fast enough with default options of CanvasJS. However, if you are rendering very large number of datapoints, there are few tweaks that you can do in order to make the chart perform better.