Multi Series Area Charts are used to compare cumulative total over a period of time or range of values. The below example shows Multi Series Area Chart. It also includes source code that you can try running locally.
<?php $dataPoints1 = array( array("x" => 1451586600000, "y" => 96.709), array("x" => 1454265000000, "y" => 94.918), array("x" => 1456770600000, "y" => 95.152), array("x" => 1459449000000, "y" => 97.070), array("x" => 1462041000000, "y" => 97.305), array("x" => 1464719400000, "y" => 89.854), array("x" => 1467311400000, "y" => 88.158), array("x" => 1469989800000, "y" => 87.989), array("x" => 1472668200000, "y" => 86.366), array("x" => 1475260200000, "y" => 81.650), array("x" => 1477938600000, "y" => 85.789), array("x" => 1480530600000, "y" => 83.846), array("x" => 1483209000000, "y" => 84.927), array("x" => 1485887400000, "y" => 82.609), array("x" => 1488306600000, "y" => 81.428), array("x" => 1490985000000, "y" => 83.259), array("x" => 1493577000000, "y" => 83.153), array("x" => 1496255400000, "y" => 84.180), array("x" => 1498847400000, "y" => 84.840), array("x" => 1501525800000, "y" => 82.671), array("x" => 1504204200000, "y" => 87.496), array("x" => 1506796200000, "y" => 86.007), array("x" => 1509474600000, "y" => 87.233), array("x" => 1512066600000, "y"=> 86.276) ); $dataPoints2 = array( array("x"=> 1451586600000, "y" => 73.5555), array("x"=> 1454265000000, "y" => 74.1625), array("x"=> 1456770600000, "y" => 75.3980), array("x"=> 1459449000000, "y" => 76.0965), array("x"=> 1462041000000, "y" => 74.8165), array("x"=> 1464719400000, "y" => 74.9660), array("x"=> 1467311400000, "y" => 74.4805), array("x"=> 1469989800000, "y" => 74.7355), array("x"=> 1472668200000, "y" => 74.8155), array("x"=> 1475260200000, "y" => 73.2275), array("x"=> 1477938600000, "y" => 72.6315), array("x"=> 1480530600000, "y" => 71.4610), array("x"=> 1483209000000, "y" => 72.9025), array("x"=> 1485887400000, "y" => 70.5750), array("x"=> 1488306600000, "y" => 69.0955), array("x"=> 1490985000000, "y" => 70.0565), array("x"=> 1493577000000, "y" => 72.5320), array("x"=> 1496255400000, "y" => 73.8350), array("x"=> 1498847400000, "y" => 76.0255), array("x"=> 1501525800000, "y" => 76.1465), array("x"=> 1504204200000, "y" => 77.1570), array("x"=> 1506796200000, "y" => 75.4075), array("x"=> 1509474600000, "y" => 76.7690), array("x"=> 1512066600000, "y" => 76.5950) ); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <script> window.onload = function () { var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", { animationEnabled: true, title:{ text: "Comparison of Exchange Rates" }, subtitles: [{ text: "GBP & EUR to INR", fontSize: 18 }], axisY: { prefix: "₹" }, legend:{ cursor: "pointer", itemclick: toggleDataSeries }, toolTip: { shared: true }, data: [ { type: "area", name: "GBP", showInLegend: "true", xValueType: "dateTime", xValueFormatString: "MMM YYYY", yValueFormatString: "₹#,##0.##", dataPoints: <?php echo json_encode($dataPoints1); ?> }, { type: "area", name: "EUR", showInLegend: "true", xValueType: "dateTime", xValueFormatString: "MMM YYYY", yValueFormatString: "₹#,##0.##", dataPoints: <?php echo json_encode($dataPoints2); ?> } ] }); chart.render(); function toggleDataSeries(e){ if (typeof(e.dataSeries.visible) === "undefined" || e.dataSeries.visible) { e.dataSeries.visible = false; } else{ e.dataSeries.visible = true; } chart.render(); } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer" style="height: 370px; width: 100%;"></div> <script src=""></script> </body> </html>
You can set intervals in weeks, months, etc using intervalType. Legends can be enabled for the data series using showInLegend. Some of the other commonly used customization options are color, fillOpacity, showInLegend, etc, shared, etc.