It seems like there was some issue related to pushing & popping in the previously shared JSFiddle, please refer to this updated JSFiddle for improved code.
It seems to be working as per your requirements. When a dataPoint with indexLabel ‘High” is removed, the next available y-value accepts indexLabel “High”.
Sorry, its not possible to show toolTip separately for same x-value when toolTip shared property is set to true. However you can format toolTip content using contentFormatter. Please take a look at this updated jsfiddle.
In the jsfiddle that you have shared y-values passed to the dataPoints are string. Y-values in dataPoints can accept numeric values only. Changing it to numeric should work fine in your case. Please take a look at this updated jsfiddle.
Shift is a JavaScript array method that removes the first item of an array. Please refer this link for more info on the same. Please refer our documentation for complete step-by-step tutorial on creating dynamic charts.
Legends will be shown for every dataSeries. You can enable legend by setting showInLegend property in dataSeries level to true. Text shown in legend can be set with the help of name or legendText.
Vishwas R
Team CanvasJS
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