Can you please share a jsfiddle or sample project(over google-drive or one-drive) reproducing the issue you are facing, so that we can look into your code, understand it better and help you out?
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS
Can you kindly share a jsfiddle reproducing the issue you are facing, so that we can look into your code, understand the scenario better and help you out?
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS
Animation on explode can be achieved only on click event as of now. However, you can try to simulate a click event on mouseover using mouseEvent interface of JavaScript.
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS
Please take a look at this gallery example on rendering chart by populating data from database using PHP.
If this doesn’t solve your requirement, please brief us further about it. Also kindly share a sample project over google-drive or one-drive reproducing the issue(if any) you are facing, so that we can look into your code, understand the scenario better and help you out.
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS
Thanks for your interest in CanvasJS. We are glad to help you. Can you kindly share a pictorial representation of your requirement and brief us about it so that we can understand your requirement and help you out?
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS
CanvasJS charts animate only on the initial render as of now. Whereas in pie and doughnut charts animation happens while exploding the slices along with initial render. In your case, as you are calling chart.render() on mouseover it cancels the animation and it doesn’t animate.
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS
In the jsfiddle you have shared, after creating 5 charts you are looping through each chart and adding dataPoints(‘i’ number of dataPoints) to them, this logic updates every chart and not just one as it’s in a loop. The jsfiddle shared seems to be working fine. If you are still facing any issue with this, please brief us further about it.
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS
Please take a look at this jsfiddle which demonstrates the dynamic creation of chart containers and rendering chart within that. Also, refer to these examples on creating a dynamic chart and rendering a chart with data from database using PHP.
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS
Please check the code of your application, there seems to be some issue in your application code causing this issue- as CanvasJS charts are working fine in static HTML.
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS
You can use dataPointWidth and color for the same. Please take a look at our documentation for more available options.
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS
The space for every legend text is allocated based on the height and width of the chart container. If sufficient space is not available to render every legend completely, the legend text will be wrapped or skipped internally to enhance readability.
However, itemWrap can be set to false to avoid wrapping of legend text and you can set the itemMaxWidth property according to the height and width of chart container or fontSize of the text can be reduced to make the more characters visible. Please take a look at this example on the custom legend which might be of help.
can we show tooltip for the truncated channels name.
toolTip for legends is not available as of now.
Priyanka M S
Team CanvasJS