Forum Replies Created by Anjali

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 171 total)
  • in reply to: overlapped columns instead of stackedColumns #8632


    You cannot make different series to overlap on one another in case of column/bar charts. Instead, you can put all dataPoints in one series as shown in this jsfiddle.


    in reply to: clearing or redrawing graph #8631


    Sorry, but we are not able to understand the issue clearly. Can you please explain it in detail.

    When you say “of 250 but I change it to 100” do you mean changing the range programmatically (via minimum and maximum) by zooming in to the region manually with mouse/pointer.

    What other parameters are you changing?

    And what do you mean by clearing the excess data? Are you looking for dynamic charts like this by any chance?

    Can you please give us step by step instructions to reproduce the problem??

    in reply to: Export Bug #8630


    We are not able to reproduce the issue. Can you please tell us which browser (with version) and OS you are using. It will also be helpful if you can create a jsfiddle with your code.


    in reply to: not able to Create temprature(per Day) graph #8629


    Y values can be numeric only and you are trying to use y values as string.

    Below is the code with issue fixed :

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function () {
        var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartArea", {
            title: {
                text: name + " Details"
            zoomEnabled: true,
            animationEnabled: true,
            theme: "theme4",
            axisY: {
                title: "Temprature(C)"
            axisX: {
                valueFormatString: "DD/MMM hh:mm:ss",
                labelAngle: -50
            data: [
                markerType: "square",
                markerColor: "#d9534f",
                markerSize: 10,
                type: "line",
                toolTipContent: "<b>{x}</b> Temprature: {status}",
                xValueType: "dateTime",
                dataPoints: [
                    { x: new Date(1428984013000), y: 22, status: "22(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1428984613000), y: 22, status: "22(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1428988213000), y: 25, status: "25(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1428988813000), y: 25, status: "25(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1428989113000), y: 26, status: "26(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1428989413000), y: 27, status: "27(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1428991213000), y: 30, status: "30(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1428994813000), y: 33, status: "33(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1429002013000), y: 35, status: "35(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1429009213000), y: 30, status: "30(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1429011013000), y: 28, status: "28(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1429012813000), y: 26, status: "26(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1429016413000), y: 26, status: "26(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1429011013000), y: 25, status: "25(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1429014613000), y: 25, status: "25(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1429018213000), y: 25, status: "25(C)" },
                    { x: new Date(1429021813000), y: 25, status: "25(C)" }
    <script type="text/javascript" src="CanvasJS.js"></script>
    <div id="chartArea" style="height:400px; width: 50%; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; border: 2px solid black"></div>


    in reply to: Zoom Property not working my project #8623


    Can you please create a jsfiddle with you sample code so that we can have a look ?


    in reply to: Null value points #8621


    You can do the same by one of the two options below

    1. By skipping the null dataPoint

    2. By editing the source code as mentioned below

    Inside our library we have renderLine method in which we are using prevDataNull variable for keeping the track of null dataPoints. You can remove / comment prevDataNull = true and it will work as you are expecting.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Anjali.
    in reply to: Return to automatic counting minimum & maximum for AxesY #8619


    This seems like a regression bug. We’ll fix this in upcoming versions by allowing you to set null or undefined. For now you can do the same by deleting the minimum/maximum property as shown below.

    delete chart.options.axisY.minimum;


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Anjali.
    in reply to: Graph a CSV file #8604


    In every browser we have developer tool which you can open either from browser’s settings or using shortcut F12. In developer tools, console is available and you can see error there. But after looking into your code we know where it is going wrong. So please correct the below mention points :

    1) You are not using jQuery file because of which $ is not define when you are trying to do $(document).ready. So please use jQuery before $(document).ready.

    2) Both jquery.canvasjs.min.js (jQuery Plugin) and canvasjs.min.js (standalone) are CanvasJS files and you require only one of them at any time depending on whether you want to use it as a jQuery Plugin or as a standalone library. For this sample you’ll need standalone version (canvasjs.min.js)

    Below is the code with the issues fixed

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <script src="jquery-2.1.1.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
    		type: "GET",
    		dataType: "text",
    		success: function(data) {processData(data);}
    	function processData( allText ) {
    		var allLinesArray = allText.split("\n");
    		if( allLinesArray.length > 0 ){
    			var dataPoints = [];
    			for (var i = 0; i <= allLinesArray.length-1; i++) {
    				var rowData = allLinesArray[i].split(",");
    				dataPoints.push({ label:rowData[0], y:parseInt(rowData[2]) });
    	function drawChart( dataPoints) {
    		var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", {
    				text: "ID"
    				labelAngle: 0,
    				labelAutoFit: false,
    				labelFontSize: 15,
    				labelMaxWidth: 200,
    				labelFontColor: "black"
    			data: [
    				indexLabelPlacement: "outside",
    				indexLabelFontWeight: "bold",
    				indexLabelFontColor: "black",
    				type: "column",
    				dataPoints: dataPoints
    <script type="text/javascript" src="canvasjs.js"></script>
    <div id="chartContainer" style="height: 300px; width: 100%;"></div>
    <center><b>This a test text</b></center>
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Anjali.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Anjali.
    in reply to: who can deal with this problem? #8603


    Can you please check if you are getting any error in the console? It would also help us if you can give us your sample code because without looking into the code its difficult to guess the issue.


    in reply to: Random Yaxis and Xaxis title #8536


    You can update / change title of axisX and axisY as shown below

    chart.options.axisX.title = "Title";

    after updating / changing the chart please call chart.render(). For more info please refer to this article.


    in reply to: drawing a solid line #8535


    not quite what I want. stripLines goes behind the columns but I need it in front

    We are planning to implement feature to render stripLines above data in the next version – will be available in the last week of April.

    Also, it does not show up if the value is above the maximum on the Axis.

    This looks like a bug in the library. We’ll look into this behaviour in the coming versions. As a workaround you can set maximum property of axis such that it is always higher than the stripLine’s value.

    One more alternative is to use a line series (like you already did) with axisX’s minimum & maximum values set. Then you can add two dataPoints to the series such that the lines starts at minimum and ends at maximum of axisX. You can also disable toolTip for this line series by setting toolTipContent property to null.


    in reply to: Multiple panel with different Y axis but same X axis #8534


    We do have plans to implement the same. But haven’t set a timeline yet.


    in reply to: drawing a solid line #8527


    You can do the same by using stripLines property of axisY. In case this doesn’t work for you, please create a jsfiddle so that we can have a look.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Anjali.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Vishwas R.
    in reply to: Evaluating to buy, ? about supported graph #8501


    Yes, With CanvasJS charts it is possible to create a chart with given values. Please refer this example.



    1) In JavaScript months are indexed from 0-11 and not from 1-12. Please refer to this post.

    So, December 2nd should be new Data (2014, 11, 2)

    2) Issue is because the automatically calculated interval is in hours and you have set valueFormatString to show MM/DD. So for every hour it is showing same month and date. Instead you also need to set interval and intervalType property as show in this jsfiddle.


Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 171 total)