React Range Charts are visual representations that illustrate both high and low values simultaneously over a period of time. They're sometimes called Floating Charts because the plotted range appears to float within the given range rather than being fixed to a base. React Chart Component comes with varieties of range chart type such as Range Area, Range Column and Range Bar Charts.
In multi-series scenarios, React Chart Component seamlessly handles data from different series. In Range Column and Range Bar Charts, data points from distinct series are placed adjacent to each other & differentiated by series colors. For Range Area Charts, overlapping occurs based on the values represented, enhancing visual comprehension.
Range Column Charts are also called Floating Column Chart as the columns are floating in given range instead of being attached to the base.
Range Bar Charts are similar to range column except that these are horizontally placed along with swapping x & y axis position.
React Range Area Chart is same as Area Chart except that it’s area is plotting between a given range.
React Range Spline Area Chart is same as Range Area Chart except that it uses a smooth curve.
Most commonly used in React Range Charts include color customization, opacity, animation, beveling the bars/columns.