OHLC / Stock Charts are used to illustrate movements in the price of a financial instrument over time. Given example shows stock price in PHP OHLC Chart. It also includes source code that you can try running locally.
<?php $dataPoints = array( array("x" => 1483209000000, "y" => array( 104.4, 111.89, 99.11, 109.18)), array("x" => 1485887400000, "y" => array( 110.58, 120.92, 95.7, 101.48)), array("x" => 1488306600000, "y" => array( 103.79, 110, 95.17, 108.93)), array("x" => 1490985000000, "y" => array( 104.74, 147, 102.31, 144.35)), array("x" => 1493577000000, "y" => array( 144.99, 168.5, 142.11, 144.56)), array("x" => 1496255400000, "y" => array( 145.05, 169.93, 138.58, 162.51)), array("x" => 1498847400000, "y" => array( 162.13, 174.56, 152.91, 169.44)), array("x" => 1501525800000, "y" => array( 169.95, 191.2, 162.71, 178.77)), array("x" => 1504204200000, "y" => array( 180.8, 207.89, 177, 206.81)), array("x" => 1506796200000, "y" => array( 209.35, 218.67, 191.23, 200.71)), array("x" => 1509474600000, "y" => array( 207.2, 218.67, 200.37, 216.14)), array("x" => 1512066600000, "y" => array( 199.31, 200.3, 180.58, 193.5)) ) ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <script> window.onload = function() { var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer", { theme: "light2", title: { text: "NVIDIA Corporation Stock Price - 2017" }, axisX: { valueFormatString: "MMM", intervalType: "month", interval: 1 }, axisY: { title: "Stock Price (in USD)", prefix: "$" }, data: [{ type: "ohlc", xValueType: "dateTime", yValueFormatString: "$#,##0.0", xValueFormatString: "MMM", dataPoints: <?php echo json_encode($dataPoints, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?> }] }); chart.render(); } </script> </head> <body> <div id="chartContainer" style="height: 370px; width: 100%;"></div> <script src="https://cdn.canvasjs.com/canvasjs.min.js"></script> </body> </html>
color property can be used change the color of data-points. Some other commonly used customization options are , indexLabel, showInLegend, etc.